a truly godlike entity, being a towering and imposing being with a long, flowing beard wearing imperial clothing composed of a golden kimono- like robe with red and black trimmings, a large golden belt with an emblem of a an rainbow X on the buckle, a regal sash that’s fire- like in appearance and flares underneath the belt, a pair of golden shoulder pads with a flowing cape that looks like it was stitched from the cosmos itself, a towering, crown- like piece of headwear with the rainbow- colored X in the center and he possesses a Hagoromo, a long silk scarf/sash that wraps around his wrists and floats behind his head in a halo- like shape, common imagery associated with deities and divine beings of the highest order in Japanese Shinto Buddism, he have two sets of horns are very long and Bull- like with curved tips, the second set being shorter than the first, instead of possessing a pair of legs, his lower body is a giant globe of a planet resembling the Earth