The Zhuxian Sword: It is neither copper nor iron nor steel. It was once hidden at the foot of Mount Sumeru. How could it not be quenched by water and fire? It kills people for good and evil. Red light shines everywhere in the Central Plains. Swordsmen fight for power and their clothes are stained with blood. Strong winds swirl smoke from cooking stoves. Fear comes to my heart, the Immortal Sword hangs over the door, and the thunder is deafening. When the sword leaves its sheath, it is an abyss of catastrophes. I hold the sword to the sky, and I am silent for dozens of times to shock the sky. I swing the sword to cut off love and hatred, and the infatuated mantra curses eternal damnation to Yama. I cut off endless nameless people. Shackles, too much time has been wasted in reincarnation, the sun and the moon never stop for anyone, the devil holding the sword and fighting for power is by your side, the water droplets on the ruffles are clear, quietly sliding down to cause waves, the mist and gauze, exaggerating the haggard beauty, the east window Before the solitary lamp goes out, longing spreads like water, and love in the world appears like a flash in the pan. FHD, masterpiece, realistic style
mutated hands and fingers, deformed, bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutated, extra limb, ugly, poorly drawn hands, missing limb, floating limbs, disconnected limbs, malformed hands, out of focus, long neck, long body