Chromatic photograph of an 18- year- old girl, beautiful legs, half body up to her knees, always standing with her back to the viewer, showing her well- defined and open pussy, a grotto cave set with sea water, always showing her. perfect. open ass and pussy, real buttocks. and perfect, always showing her detailed rear leaning towards the viewer, long and wavy hair, very dark hair, body without deformations, real body proportions
man, asiaan, chinesa, texto, foreground , close-up, monochrome, girl, young, lolita, childish, crossed eyes, closed eyes, girl's face, girl's body, extra limbs, missing limbs, anagram, logo, watermark, letters, posters, signature, author's signature, Closed mouth, hands without deformations, fingers without deformations, real face without deformations, perfect and well-defined eyes, blonde,