(a nondescript woman of average appearance, with inner beauty) Obsession, it's what you make of it, focusing too much on details, endless tweaking, never good enough, fiddling here, fiddling there, not satisfied, The drive toward perfection leads to madness, be satisfied with what you have and learn from it, see the beauty in the present, the ephemeral, the here and now. Why resist? Accept that what you see before you. It's detailed enough, it's clear enough, it's aesthetically pleasing, and brings an emotional response whether that's joy or sorrow, it is art, whether you like it or not
conventional beauty, magazine supermodels, porn stars, movie stars, professional models, unrealistic body types, artificial beauty, unhealthy, nonsensical, symmetrical, conventional composition, empty space, too simple or too complex backgrounds. I don't want darkness, bad quality, awful quality, or normal quality. Keep repetitive stuff out, and no fused, excess, or twisted fingers. Single point perspective or any simple perspective, Asian