A bawl in the dark, a clouding of breath, and suddenly you're face to face with a peculiar figure of embers and ash. Two barren eyes stare at you with a cold bitterness, and another bawl resonates from its cavernous mouth as it gains it bearings. Spiky tendrils adorns its lank head, which itself is glowing faintly in the dark. Thick snot escapes the creature's twisting nostrils set within a stumpy nose. Its lank head sits atop a hard, stringy body. Spikes cover its shoulders, seemingly like a reminder of some event in the past. The creature steps closer to you, its two legs lumberingly carry its shadowy body with a calm energy. Four cramped wings extend themselves fully. Glowing bones, and feathers of fire stretch upward preventing you from seeing anything other than this being. Unimpressed eyes still look at you, but only barely. Their skin is very thick and very strong. It's covered in nothing but a few hairs on their heads. Their skin colors are mostly blue, light grey and silver, which tend to become darker as they age. The males are usually braver than their female counter part and their colors are more varied. The females, however, are usually faster