Silver, layered hair almost fully covers a sculpted, radiant face. Squinting hazel eyes, set graciously within their sockets, watch loyally over the ancestors they've protected for so long. A sword left a mark stretching from just under the right eye, running across the nose and ending on her left nostril and leaves a fascinating memory of her unfortunate upbringing. The is the face of Nilerea Lunadancer, a true utopian among high elves. She stands graciously among others, despite her muscled frame. There's something fascinating about her, perhaps it's her unusual looks or perhaps it's simply a feeling of sadness. But nonetheless, people tend to lie about knowing her to brag, while thinking of ways to become her friend. There's something alluring about her, perhaps it's her painful past or perhaps it's simply her unusual looks. But nonetheless, people tend to brag about knowing her, while trying to subtlely stare