Okay, so here's the thing: I wanted to create art, you know, a masterpiece, something really provocative, something that would elicit emotion, with clarity and meaning, but I just couldn't. Look, see that canvas over there, there's nothing on it, not even white, that canvas is a void, sucking all the creativity out of me, leaving a husk of pretention and fakery. I mean, what do I even do at this point? An artist should be inspired, have vision, and be able to stir emotion. Me? I just prattle on. I guess I should define how good the image looks, like saying it's high definition, 4k. has superb photorealistic detail, has sidelighting, or is something that would be found on artstation, but frankly, I just don't have it in me, and really when you get down to it, whatever image generates from this will be serviceable, right? Fine, here you go, look at an image of a goth princess, that's why you're here
Let's see, I don't want to see conventional beauty, ectomorphs or mesomorphs if we want to get technical, nonsensical, symmetrical, conventional composition, empty space, too simple or too complex backgrounds. I don't want darkness, bad quality, awful quality, or normal quality. Keep repetitive stuff out, and no fused, excess, or twisted fingers. Single point perspective or any simple perspective. Oh, yeah... Asian. Don't want that.