null youthful features

    craiyon_120434, Zopha, God of Plants, high detail, high_resolution, dungeons_and_dragons, BadDream, oil painting, Appearance:
godly figure, androgynous, serene expression, youthful face, radiant skin, green eyes, long flowing hair intertwined with vines and flowers, ethereal glow, tall and slender build, soft, gentle features.
robes made of leaves and petals, nature-themed jewelry, crown of flowers and vines, mossy textures, organic armor, ancient and mystical design.
Pose and Expression:
standing with open arms, welcoming pose, gentle smile, looking at the viewer, peaceful demeanor, confident yet calm posture.
lush forest, overgrown temple, garden sanctuary, vibrant foliage, waterfalls, sunlight filtering through leaves, ancient trees, hidden grove, Eden-like paradise.
Symbols and Accessories:
staff entwined with vines, glowing seed in hand, enchanted flowers, animals gathering around, butterflies and birds, earth and water elements, sacred symbols, runes of growth and life.
Color Palette:
rich greens, vibrant floral colors, soft earth tones, golden sunlight, natural hues, harmonious blend of colors.
mystical, peaceful, harmonious, enchanting, otherworldly, rejuvenating, serene, magical aura.
Art Style:
highly detailed, intricate, fantasy realism, brushwork, trending on ArtStation, inspired by nature, vibrant and lively.
    madeleine,queen,vrouwelijk,model,blond,haar,britt,kristina,mahovytskaya,should,cosmetic,dentist,orthodontist?,beautiful,beauty,hair,photo,wallpaper,portrait,,freckles,,emily,techera,portrait,photography,woman,young,standing,outdoors,urban,street,sandy,teen,beauty,,nude,indian,models,gabriella,anna,polina,earthly,biotics,cognitive,supplement,athlete,hebe,frau,lchelt,kamera,gegenlicht,wasse,lauren,attraktive,offenblende,portraits,blende,girl,dark,studio,backgroun,avatar,katharina,daphn,rhea,pellissier,elsa,kremser,startstipendiatin,with,keratin,treatment,alina,portfolio,image,ensaio,pessoal,raquel,bohn,lima,,paulo,dani,foto,door,etsie,deze,face,style,color,teenager,humor,based,therapy,laughing,mitakon,speedmaster,schnen,langen,blonden,sterke,inntrykk,thea,sommerseth,myhren,reist,noisylens,menin,fotografija,cimalanskait,diana,keating,nathalie,hombergh,frauenportrait,black&white,nhng,chng,faces,tags,tatiana,gladchenko,briem,kucharsky,golden,schwabroh,august,vega,charlotte,rencontre,femme,celibataire,polynesie,leaning,head,tree,trunk,,blue,eyes,pretty,patrizia,available,light,brenda,patea,schwanger,tennis,profi,jessicagoldberg,vegane,kosmetik,hautpflege,dicas,para,cabelo,crescer,mitos,verdades,olaf,schouw,tajna,veza,desni,osmijeha,side,view,henriette,ulvbjerg,petersen,belsenich,smiling,teenage,brown,hannah,henderson,sance,jeune,martinique,portret,charmante,lachende,meisje,patient,customized,lingual,braces,from,lena,dmitryelizarov,hydrafacial,page,freckles,inigo,royalty,free,average,looking,women,pictures,,long,enchanteur,porte,vtements,blancs,kosa,posvjetljivanje,kose,stephanie,dempfle,anticontaminacin,piel,radiante,mascarillas,vaaleahiuksinen,nainen,katsoo,kaukaisuuteen,dbanie,zeby,leczenie,ortodontycznejpg,retro,film,effect,hrekspertens,vare,hret,mello,freckled,thinking,amanda,moris,smile,cheerful,wearing,denim,clothes,annika,filehr,zahnmedizinische,prophylaxeassistent,towards,camera,closeup,seriou,abigail,nygren,ella,ajcophotography,green,contest,nulux,laser,toron,australian,academy,modelling,graduate,ksenia,away,adela,blonde,sitting,next,window,sweat,smiles,,invisalign,heather,close,stock,lovely,short,haired,straight,symbol,freundin,jasmijn,daniela,jone,troconis,prozent,jhrigen,bezeichnen,sich,rakina,reminiscent,angelina,jolie,look,agns,brossais,shoot,during,sunset,maristella,burchietti,russian,open,field,photoshoot,assisted,haley,brian,rivera,mathilde,amber,rosanne,mostert,,jessica,clifton,female,having,shining,eyes,,pure,stefan,kothner,photographer,mulher,feliz,sorrindo,irina,porcelain,veneers,kelowna,kayla,nicole,photography,,alpine,northwest,,seattl,chronisch,krank,tun?,selber,helfen?,richelet,strength,martens_profilseite_,linda,rosa,saal_,natalia,lily,raisa,guerlain,kristen,kaiser,personas,sonrojan,confiables,estud,heinold,jochen,schweizer,gruppe,kolberm,fotografie,,fotograaf,,fineart,,cain,amberskii,perfect,fresh,professioneel,sveva,vypadat,make,upu?,zkuste,nsleduj,marina,chekalina,heureuse,plein,blan,souriante,portant,appareil,dentaire,dentistry,albury,julia,szyndzielorz,teeth,whitening,ottawa,grayish,rachel,deutsch,addie,part,this,video,tutorial,will,walk,emotions,feeling,,fashion,,natural,into,distance,showing,contour,spohn,corrie,contact,lenses,frases,ayudarn,sentirte,einer,jungen,attraktiven,happy,sincere,smil,panouie,riant,illustrant,bienf,attractive,roxanne,norde,tessa,wiegerinck,kelly,jordan,flare,example,melissa,benoist,supergirl,marie,peau,tendance,acnique,secrets,maquil,archivo,brimlow,frdrique,deschnes,charming,propping,positive,hammock,brie,larson,lady,photograph,senior,robertlbrett,behandelprotocollen,huid,,nagels,ebba,strm,sarah,gregor,henrik,pfeifer,mara,prez,eyed,brunette,textured,grey,hoodie,lipstick,lisa,parkrud,thinkstock,thoughtfully,caucasian,stockfoto,mimi,ethic,cocquerel,epilation,joues,institut,beaut,styl,beaute,backgr,alexandra,garrido,surgery,gasport,brenna,bialek,miriam,slowik,herren,schpfung,gmbh,frankf,mettet,bruker,samme,sjampo,over,lengre,mooie,staande,blauwogige,getextureer,rays,rietbergen,grnde,warum,fter,lachen,solltest,maria,elena,iozza,consejos,maquillaje,invitadas,comuniones,challenge,accepted,origen,fotos,righ,fabienne,bridal,boudoir,stehle,fine,balistarz,michelle,agostino,shot,shoo,caroline,albertine,minor,lrke,posselt,sensational,smiles,dental,anti,wrinkle,injections,nadja,brenneisen,scott,stephens,,viktoria,hinson,natalie,tkac,picturescopyright,arte,crear,sonrisas,mujer,sonre,schauspielerin,karolin,berger,lina,oppolzer,causes,swollen,gums,ruijter,elina,vildanova,authentic,profile,pensive,alexia,eychenne,,journaliste,rubrique,emploi,fotograf,berlin,herzsprung,actress,schauspie,brighter,,healthier,onmisbare,beautyproducten,voor,nazomer,portraitshooting,roxy,lise,hochzeitsf,chica,cabello,largo,siliconas,makeup,alena,jacobs,synlab,hymyilee,rachelbailey,finals,fille,ejercicios,bajar,ansiedad,kaunis,kuvattuna,helsingiss,valokuvaaja,shallow,focus,dmitriy,chursin,greta,tuckute,klara,early,bird,special,prevent,facial,ageing,riboldi,steps,ojos,marrones,rubia,atracti,patr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    1man, solo, Sculpture, white skin, face shot, crack, strong reflection, black background, studio lighting, golden stroke
young assassin, a member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glowing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents and mamy throwing knives. His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage. In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows, a master of the shadows and a harbinger of silent, swift demise.menacing.
    1man, solo, Sculpture, white skin, face shot, crack, strong reflection, black background, studio lighting, golden stroke
young assassin, a member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glowing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents and mamy throwing knives. His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage. In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows, a master of the shadows and a harbinger of silent, swift demise.menacing.
    1man, solo, Sculpture, white skin, face shot, crack, strong reflection, black background, studio lighting, golden stroke
young assassin, a member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glowing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents and mamy throwing knives. His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage. In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows, a master of the shadows and a harbinger of silent, swift demise.menacing.
    craiyon_035012, Golindor, God of Luck, high detail, high_resolution, dungeons_and_dragons, BadDream, oil painting, 
charismatic figure, confident smile, twinkling eyes, youthful features, androgynous, charming and mischievous expression, medium build, elegant stance, hair that flows like golden coins, radiant skin with a warm glow.
robes adorned with lucky symbols like four-leaf clovers, horseshoes, and dice, opulent and ornate design, gold and silver accents, lucky charms, gleaming accessories, coin motifs, an amulet of fate.
playful pose, confident and inviting demeanor, one hand offering a coin or a pair of dice, winking at the viewer, relaxed and open posture, exuding confidence.
vibrant casino, bustling marketplace, ancient shrine to luck, magical landscape, crossroads, places of chance and fortune, lively city square, enchanted gambling den.
coins falling like rain, a pair of dice floating, glowing runes of luck and fortune, deck of cards, spinning wheel of fortune, overflowing bag of gold, mystical aura of luck.
golds and silvers, rich reds, vibrant greens, shimmering hues, dynamic contrasts, sparkling highlights, colors of fortune and wealth.
lively, energetic, whimsical, enchanting, filled with possibilities, hopeful, whimsical magic, unpredictable and exhilarating.
highly detailed, vibrant, fantasy realism, dynamic and expressive, trending on ArtStation, playful yet majestic.
    craiyon_120434, Zopha, God of Plants, high detail, high_resolution, dungeons_and_dragons, BadDream, oil painting, Appearance:
godly figure, androgynous, serene expression, youthful face, radiant skin, green eyes, long flowing hair intertwined with vines and flowers, ethereal glow, tall and slender build, soft, gentle features.
robes made of leaves and petals, nature-themed jewelry, crown of flowers and vines, mossy textures, organic armor, ancient and mystical design.
Pose and Expression:
standing with open arms, welcoming pose, gentle smile, looking at the viewer, peaceful demeanor, confident yet calm posture.
lush forest, overgrown temple, garden sanctuary, vibrant foliage, waterfalls, sunlight filtering through leaves, ancient trees, hidden grove, Eden-like paradise.
Symbols and Accessories:
staff entwined with vines, glowing seed in hand, enchanted flowers, animals gathering around, butterflies and birds, earth and water elements, sacred symbols, runes of growth and life.
Color Palette:
rich greens, vibrant floral colors, soft earth tones, golden sunlight, natural hues, harmonious blend of colors.
mystical, peaceful, harmonious, enchanting, otherworldly, rejuvenating, serene, magical aura.
Art Style:
highly detailed, intricate, fantasy realism, brushwork, trending on ArtStation, inspired by nature, vibrant and lively.
    masterpiece,best quality, Spring Day 1920 s Young Vera-Ellen, age 25, Flowing Blond Hair, Bright Blue eyes, Lovely smile. Basket in hand, Picking Oranges in the Orange groves of California,  flowing blond hair cascades gently around her face, framing her bright blue eyes that sparkle with a youthful vibrancy. Her lovely smile radiates warmth and joy, capturing the essence of a carefree era. This exquisite portrayal, akin to a masterfully painted canvas, transports viewers back in time with its rich colors and expert brushstrokes. The image captivates with its high definition, capturing every minute detail of the lady's radiant features, giving the impression of being able to step into the past itself.dramatic lighting, epic widescreen photography style 8K
    1man, solo, Sculpture, white skin, face shot, crack, strong reflection, black background, studio lighting, golden stroke
young assassin, a member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glowing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents and mamy throwing knives. His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage. In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows, a master of the shadows and a harbinger of silent, swift demise.menacing.
    Symmetry: A face with evenly spaced features and symmetrical shapes usually looks harmonious and attractive.
Proportions: Ideal facial proportions may include a broad forehead, prominent cheekbones, straight nose, expressive cheeks, and a well-shaped chin.
Expressive eyes: Large, bright, expressive eyes are often considered a key element of an attractive face.
Perfect skin: Smooth, flawless skin gives the face a fresh and youthful appearance.
Expressive lips: Lush, sensual lips with a contoured shape can enhance the aesthetics of the face.
Translated with (free version) real beauty. realism. quality 8k
    Frontal portrait of a whimsical and colorful woman resembling a mermaid or siren. Fair complexion, youthful features, wide open eyes, and delicate freckles on nose and cheeks. Vibrant, gravity-defying hair in shades of purple, blue, orange, and teal. Hair transitions into tendrils or aquatic flora, creating an underwater illusion. Small bubbles floating around the head add to the underwater theme. Attire or visible body part resembles teal and green fish scales with vibrant colors. Overall effect: Serene and otherworldly underwater creature in quiet contemplation.
    A stunning 20-year-old blonde woman with (shoulder-length hair) and blue eyes poses confidently at the ((rim of the Grand Canyon)), sitting gracefully on a rugged rock outcropping that juts out over the breathtaking expanse below. She is wearing a very loose thin tank top, way too large thin tank top, thin baggy tank top, side boob, no bra. natural curves and (large breasts). The camera focuses closely on her upper body and face, capturing intimate details of her soft expression, striking blue eyes, and the gentle breeze playing with her shoulder-length hair. Captured in ((various dynamic poses)), she transitions effortlessly between leaning slightly forward with her chin resting on her hand, offering a warm and thoughtful gaze; tilting her head gently as the sunlight illuminates her face; and softly smiling while looking directly into the camera. The soft golden sunlight filtering across her skin creates delicate highlights and shadows, enhancing the fine details of her youthful features. Her confident expressions and relaxed posture exude both serenity and strength in every pose. The natural textures of her hair, clothing, and the subtle background of the canyon rim create a harmonious balance in each composition. The lighting is expertly diffused, ensuring every close-up pose is captured with vivid clarity and (artistic sophistication) against the breathtaking Grand Canyon backdrop.
    1man, solo, Sculpture, white skin, face shot, crack, strong reflection, black background, studio lighting, golden stroke
young assassin, a member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glowing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents and mamy throwing knives. His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage. In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows, a master of the shadows and a harbinger of silent, swift demise.menacing.
    Lyrael unclad, the Great Wolf, an intimidating youthful female elf criminal and thug, lithe, smallbreasts and petite, very pale skin, light grey hair, emerald green eyes, high cheekbones, delicate features, thin lips, very pale white skin, evil-looking; north-african, barbaric, art by moebius and mike mignola
masterpiece,best quality<lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:0.5><lora:add-detail-xl:1.0><lora:aesthetic_anime_v1sXL:1.0><lora:polyhedron_all_sdxl-000004:0.40><lora:extremely_detailedXL:0.50><lora:EnvyAwesomizeXL01:0.50><lora:SDXLFaeTastic2400:0.30><lora:ral-dissolve-sdxl:0.20><lora:linquiveraXL:0.20><lora:DisturbiaXL:0.20><lora:ClassipeintXL2.0:0.20><lora:AnalogRedmondV2-Analog-AnalogRedmAF:0.20>he weaknesses of enemies:1.5>assassin,member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glwing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents.His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage.In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows
masterpiece,best quality<lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:0.5><lora:add-detail-xl:1.0><lora:aesthetic_anime_v1sXL:1.0><lora:polyhedron_all_sdxl-000004:0.40><lora:extremely_detailedXL:0.50><lora:EnvyAwesomizeXL01:0.50><lora:SDXLFaeTastic2400:0.30><lora:ral-dissolve-sdxl:0.20><lora:linquiveraXL:0.20><lora:DisturbiaXL:0.20><lora:ClassipeintXL2.0:0.20><lora:AnalogRedmondV2-Analog-AnalogRedmAF:0.20>he weaknesses of enemies:1.5>assassin,member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glwing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents.His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage.In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows
masterpiece,best quality<lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:0.5><lora:add-detail-xl:1.0><lora:aesthetic_anime_v1sXL:1.0><lora:polyhedron_all_sdxl-000004:0.40><lora:extremely_detailedXL:0.50><lora:EnvyAwesomizeXL01:0.50><lora:SDXLFaeTastic2400:0.30><lora:ral-dissolve-sdxl:0.20><lora:linquiveraXL:0.20><lora:DisturbiaXL:0.20><lora:ClassipeintXL2.0:0.20><lora:AnalogRedmondV2-Analog-AnalogRedmAF:0.20>he weaknesses of enemies:1.5>assassin,member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glwing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents.His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage.In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows
    masterpiece,best quality<lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:0.5><lora:add-detail-xl:1.0><lora:aesthetic_anime_v1sXL:1.0><lora:polyhedron_all_sdxl-000004:0.40><lora:extremely_detailedXL:0.50><lora:EnvyAwesomizeXL01:0.50><lora:SDXLFaeTastic2400:0.30><lora:ral-dissolve-sdxl:0.20><lora:linquiveraXL:0.20><lora:DisturbiaXL:0.20><lora:ClassipeintXL2.0:0.20><lora:AnalogRedmondV2-Analog-AnalogRedmAF:0.20>he weaknesses of enemies:1.5>assassin,member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glwing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents.His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage.In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows
    masterpiece,best quality<lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:0.5><lora:add-detail-xl:1.0><lora:aesthetic_anime_v1sXL:1.0><lora:polyhedron_all_sdxl-000004:0.40><lora:extremely_detailedXL:0.50><lora:EnvyAwesomizeXL01:0.50><lora:SDXLFaeTastic2400:0.30><lora:ral-dissolve-sdxl:0.20><lora:linquiveraXL:0.20><lora:DisturbiaXL:0.20><lora:ClassipeintXL2.0:0.20><lora:AnalogRedmondV2-Analog-AnalogRedmAF:0.20>he weaknesses of enemies:1.5>assassin,member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glwing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents.His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage.In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows
    (best quality, masterpiece:1.3), score_9, score_8_up, score_8, sexy 24 year old college girl, petite body, tiny waist, large hips, medium perfectly round breasts, absurd-res, RAW photo, 16K photo album, (realistic, photo-realistic:1.2), blurry background, an incredible beautiful girl, a really pretty pin-up girl, youthful, innocent, extremely detailed cute face, medium hair, straight hair, (small breasts), narrow waist, clear and smooth skin, natural skin texture, feminine features, perfect figure, NSFW, completely naked, wearing an apron, no bra, no shirt, side boob, nice butt, spreading ass cheeks, gaping asshole, anal creampie, breakfast on stove, kitchen, view from the side, highest quality, beautiful brown hair, (thigh shot), (shot from below), (close-up photo)
    photorealistic image of a woman, long red hair, hazel coloured irises, skimpy leather armour, tight clothing, large bosom, looking at the camera, flame effect tattoos under eyes stopping just above check bones. Grim Dark Fantasy setting. 
Soft features, youthful look 23 years old, holding a religious book.
    In the bleak reality of the future, amidst chaos and destruction, a new kind of being emerged—a girl android from the distant tomorrow. This world was filled with advanced technologies and complex mechanisms, allowing for the creation of robots with incredible quality and artistry.
She was the embodiment of perfection—every detail of her biomechanical body was meticulously crafted, highlighting her feminine features. Her innocent face with a youthful, chaste blush, unique and mesmerizing, instantly drew attention. Deep and vibrant colors made her appearance unforgettable, while the cinematic effect enhanced her impressive presence.
Her name was Astrid. With a daring mohawk hairstyle, she stood out among other robots and humans. Her large, expressive eyes, both innocent and stern, with a vulnerable edge, despite their strange and inhuman appearance and the hurt and vengeance in her gaze, radiated mystery and uniqueness. She seemed to look straight into the soul of the viewer.
Astrid was created using the most advanced technologies; her mechanisms were incredibly complex and precise. She could draw and create artworks with the same ease as a human. But her art was on another level—the graphic quality of her creations resembled the complex chemical structures of estradiol, estriol, estrone, and progesterone.
Her emergence from the box was akin to the birth of a star. She was unique, unrepeatable, and completely unlike any other. Astrid was made for a new reality where robotics and human art merged, creating a world that was both frightening and captivating.
In this new reality, she was the perfect girl-android, a symbol of the future, as intricate and detailed as her own biomechanical female body. And in this dark but wondrous world, Astrid left an indelible mark, embodying the ideal of feminine strength and intellect, despite all the limitations and challenges of the new era.
    1man, solo, Sculpture, white skin, face shot, crack, strong reflection, black background, studio lighting, golden stroke
young assassin, a member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glowing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents and mamy throwing knives. His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage. In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows, a master of the shadows and a harbinger of silent, swift demise.menacing.
    photorealistic image of a woman, long red hair, hazel coloured irises, skimpy leather armour, tight clothing, large bosom, looking at the camera, flame effect tattoos under eyes stopping just above check bones. Grim Dark Fantasy setting. 
Soft features, youthful look 23 years old, holding a religious book.
    Create a stunning Metahuman model for clothing design, embodying youthful athleticism and European beauty. The model should be around 24 years old, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and an athletic physique. Ensure she exudes confidence and allure in every pose, with a friendly and approachable demeanor. Provide detailed front, left, rear, and perspective views, wearing a neutral-colored small pants and bra body outfit. The model's flexibility and elegance should shine through, allowing seamless adaptation to various clothing designs. Emphasize realistic skin and feature details, with captivating lighting to enhance the model's beauty and clothing texture.
    20 year old woman, supermodel, perfectly balanced facial features, smooth clear skin, youthful, slim waist, long legs,(masterpiece), best quality, perfect face, bimbo, huge breasts, big lips, bimbo lips, blue hair, symmetric eyes, symmetric face, perfect eyes, blue latex bodysuit, portrait, face view, huge lips, puffy lips, heart-shaped pupils, slime transformation,(wearing cutoff jean shorts:1.1),,Giving thumbs up,front view seen from above,Shopping mall,Lomography Color 100,Sunlight
    Frontal portrait of a whimsical and colorful woman resembling a mermaid or siren. Fair complexion, youthful features, wide open eyes, and delicate freckles on nose and cheeks. Vibrant, gravity-defying hair in shades of purple, blue, orange, and teal. Hair transitions into tendrils or aquatic flora, creating an underwater illusion. Small bubbles floating around the head add to the underwater theme. Attire or visible body part resembles teal and green fish scales with vibrant colors. Overall effect: Serene and otherworldly underwater creature in quiet contemplation.
    (photorealistic:1.4), (extremely intricate:1.2), masterpiece, extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, best quality, Amazing, finely detail, cinematic lighting, highres, an extremely delicate and beautiful, ray tracing, original, incredibly_absurdres, colorful, intricate detail, artbook,
1boy, male focus, youthful and handsome, delicate yet sharp facial features, cold and reserved expression with a hint of charm, short neatly styled hair, athletic and lean physique, smooth sun-kissed skin, shirtless, toned abs subtly highlighted by sunlight, wearing white sports shorts, white socks, and white athletic shoes, standing casually on the warm track, relaxed posture with one hadn resting on his hip, sunlight casting soft shadows across his body, bright blue sky and empty sports field in the background, golden hour lighting enhancing the serene and cinematic atmosphere, portrait composition with subject positioned at the center.
    <lora:gay_ass:0.7>, full body photo of a nude young twink being fucked in the ass and dominated by the large cock of an older man, camera angle from above, twink is riding cock while being penetrated from behind, emphasize red lace panties,
20yo, slender features, young, youthful, tanned, ass in the air, twink, fit, ass, sporty, blonde hair, close up of ass, gay, nose-length hair, messy hair, undercut hair, spikey hair, black leather collar around neck, perfect bottom boy, emphasize arched back, overexaggerated back arch, emphasize bubble butt, small butt, narrow waist, tight waist, cinched waist, long legs, defined legs, defined butt, long torso, black leather arm bands, black arm band, black leather wrist band, defined arms, perfect ass, cock is ejaculating into asshole, dripping asshole, wet asshole, asshole dripping semen, lustful eyes, blushing, cute face, young face, perfect face, slender face, angular face, blonde beard, 
8k, (Masterpiece, high quality:1.3), masterpiece, depth of field, bokeh, detailed, homoerotic, (homoerotic), highly detailed, sharp focus, intricate, smooth, elegant, fantasy, cinematic lighting, cinematic, masterpiece, matte, photorealistic, 4k, beautiful, volumetric lighting, dramatic, photo-realistic, life-like, high detail, lighting, 8Knematic lighting, 8K, contrast lighting, contrasting lighting, cinematic lighting, bedroom in the background, HotBoys, bussy, boy pussy
    masterpiece,best quality, Spring Day 1920 s Young Vera-Ellen, age 25, Flowing Blond Hair, Bright Blue eyes, Lovely smile. Basket in hand, Picking Oranges in the Orange groves of California,  flowing blond hair cascades gently around her face, framing her bright blue eyes that sparkle with a youthful vibrancy. Her lovely smile radiates warmth and joy, capturing the essence of a carefree era. This exquisite portrayal, akin to a masterfully painted canvas, transports viewers back in time with its rich colors and expert brushstrokes. The image captivates with its high definition, capturing every minute detail of the lady's radiant features, giving the impression of being able to step into the past itself.dramatic lighting, epic widescreen photography style 8K
    A striking portrait of a beautiful Asian woman in her late twenties, exuding charisma and confidence as a successful YouTuber. She has smooth, radiant skin with a warm undertone, accentuating her youthful glow. Her almond-shaped eyes are a captivating dark brown, framed by long, fluttery eyelashes and perfectly groomed eyebrows, reflecting a sense of playfulness and creativity. She has a charming smile that reveals pearly white teeth, radiating warmth and approachability.
The background is softly blurred, suggesting a cozy, well-decorated home office or studio environment, with hints of colorful decor and tech gear—such as a camera on a tripod and ring lights—suggesting her YouTube content creation. Natural light filters in from a nearby window, casting gentle shadows and highlighting her features, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
In her hands, she holds a smartphone with the screen facing the viewer, displaying a glimpse of her latest video thumbnail, hinting at her engaging content. Her expression is one of excitement and determination, embodying the passion she has for her channel and her audience. The overall style of the portrait is hyper-realistic, with a focus on capturing intricate details such as the texture of her hair, the subtle glow of her skin, and the warmth in her eyes, creating a compelling and inspiring image that invites viewers into her world.
    A stunningly beautiful 18-year-old bunny girl embodies playful charm against the backdrop of a sun-kissed beach. The sunny shores frame her allure, accentuating her youthful vibrance against the azure horizon. She exudes an enchanting appeal, the vibrant colors complementing the coastal hues. Her demeanor, a fusion of innocence and allure, harmonizes with the playful spirit of the beach. The golden sunlight adds a gentle glow to her naked features, casting a radiant aura as she embodies the carefree essence of seaside allure and youthful vivacity. <lora:DauntlessMixSDXL:1> DauntlessXL Style
    detailed background, cinematic lighting, assassin, a member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His face mask, a striking blend of half black and half white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble, he moves with the fluid grace of a predator, every movement purposeful and deliberate. His short silver Buzzcut hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage. In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess, a master of the shadows and a harbinger of silent, swift demise. He carries the Shadowmark Insignia which is a sinister artifact, crafted from darkened steel and adorned with an ominous crimson gem at its center. The emblem is designed in the shape of a stylized dagger, its edges sharp and menacing.
    masterpiece,best quality, Spring Day 1920 s Young Vera-Ellen, age 25, Flowing Blond Hair, Bright Blue eyes, Lovely smile. Basket in hand, Picking Oranges in the Orange groves of California,  flowing blond hair cascades gently around her face, framing her bright blue eyes that sparkle with a youthful vibrancy. Her lovely smile radiates warmth and joy, capturing the essence of a carefree era. This exquisite portrayal, akin to a masterfully painted canvas, transports viewers back in time with its rich colors and expert brushstrokes. The image captivates with its high definition, capturing every minute detail of the lady's radiant features, giving the impression of being able to step into the past itself.dramatic lighting, epic widescreen photography style 8K
    masterpiece,best quality, Spring Day 1920 s Young Vera-Ellen, age 25, Flowing Blond Hair, Bright Blue eyes, Lovely smile. Basket in hand, Picking Oranges in the Orange groves of California,  flowing blond hair cascades gently around her face, framing her bright blue eyes that sparkle with a youthful vibrancy. Her lovely smile radiates warmth and joy, capturing the essence of a carefree era. This exquisite portrayal, akin to a masterfully painted canvas, transports viewers back in time with its rich colors and expert brushstrokes. The image captivates with its high definition, capturing every minute detail of the lady's radiant features, giving the impression of being able to step into the past itself.dramatic lighting, epic widescreen photography style 8K
    A stunning 20-year-old blonde woman with (shoulder-length hair) and blue eyes poses confidently at the ((rim of the Grand Canyon)), sitting gracefully on a rugged rock outcropping that juts out over the breathtaking expanse below. She is wearing a loose fitting man's wifebeater t-shirt top and shorts, accentuating her toned upper body and natural curves and (large breasts). The camera focuses closely on her upper body and face, capturing intimate details of her soft expression, striking blue eyes, and the gentle breeze playing with her shoulder-length hair. Captured in ((various dynamic poses)), she transitions effortlessly between leaning slightly forward with her chin resting on her hand, offering a warm and thoughtful gaze; tilting her head gently as the sunlight illuminates her face; and softly smiling while looking directly into the camera. The soft golden sunlight filtering across her skin creates delicate highlights and shadows, enhancing the fine details of her youthful features. Her confident expressions and relaxed posture exude both serenity and strength in every pose. The natural textures of her hair, clothing, and the subtle background of the canyon rim create a harmonious balance in each composition. The lighting is expertly diffused, ensuring every close-up pose is captured with vivid clarity and (artistic sophistication) against the breathtaking Grand Canyon backdrop.
    masterpiece,best quality<lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:0.5><lora:add-detail-xl:1.0><lora:aesthetic_anime_v1sXL:1.0><lora:polyhedron_all_sdxl-000004:0.40><lora:extremely_detailedXL:0.50><lora:EnvyAwesomizeXL01:0.50><lora:SDXLFaeTastic2400:0.30><lora:ral-dissolve-sdxl:0.20><lora:linquiveraXL:0.20><lora:DisturbiaXL:0.20><lora:ClassipeintXL2.0:0.20><lora:AnalogRedmondV2-Analog-AnalogRedmAF:0.20>he weaknesses of enemies:1.5>assassin,member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glwing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents.His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage.In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows
    craiyon_035012, Golindor, God of Luck, high detail, high_resolution, dungeons_and_dragons, BadDream, oil painting, 
charismatic figure, confident smile, twinkling eyes, youthful features, androgynous, charming and mischievous expression, medium build, elegant stance, hair that flows like golden coins, radiant skin with a warm glow.
robes adorned with lucky symbols like four-leaf clovers, horseshoes, and dice, opulent and ornate design, gold and silver accents, lucky charms, gleaming accessories, coin motifs, an amulet of fate.
playful pose, confident and inviting demeanor, one hand offering a coin or a pair of dice, winking at the viewer, relaxed and open posture, exuding confidence.
vibrant casino, bustling marketplace, ancient shrine to luck, magical landscape, crossroads, places of chance and fortune, lively city square, enchanted gambling den.
coins falling like rain, a pair of dice floating, glowing runes of luck and fortune, deck of cards, spinning wheel of fortune, overflowing bag of gold, mystical aura of luck.
golds and silvers, rich reds, vibrant greens, shimmering hues, dynamic contrasts, sparkling highlights, colors of fortune and wealth.
lively, energetic, whimsical, enchanting, filled with possibilities, hopeful, whimsical magic, unpredictable and exhilarating.
highly detailed, vibrant, fantasy realism, dynamic and expressive, trending on ArtStation, playful yet majestic.
    A striking portrait of a beautiful Asian woman in her late twenties, exuding charisma and confidence as a successful YouTuber. She has smooth, radiant skin with a warm undertone, accentuating her youthful glow. Her almond-shaped eyes are a captivating dark brown, framed by long, fluttery eyelashes and perfectly groomed eyebrows, reflecting a sense of playfulness and creativity. She has a charming smile that reveals pearly white teeth, radiating warmth and approachability.
The background is softly blurred, suggesting a cozy, well-decorated home office or studio environment, with hints of colorful decor and tech gear—such as a camera on a tripod and ring lights—suggesting her YouTube content creation. Natural light filters in from a nearby window, casting gentle shadows and highlighting her features, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
In her hands, she holds a smartphone with the screen facing the viewer, displaying a glimpse of her latest video thumbnail, hinting at her engaging content. Her expression is one of excitement and determination, embodying the passion she has for her channel and her audience. The overall style of the portrait is hyper-realistic, with a focus on capturing intricate details such as the texture of her hair, the subtle glow of her skin, and the warmth in her eyes, creating a compelling and inspiring image that invites viewers into her world.
    Ultra high quality, masterpiece, ultra high resolution, (photorealistic:1.3), realistic skin texture, ray traced, A hyper realistic ultra detailed, ultrarealistic,cute,petite body,perky boobs,slender,innocence, slender_waist,love,tightly cropped composition,detailed and intricate environment,A beautiful and youthful Japanese model, 18 years old, showcases her striking looks with a slender body, perfect face, exquisite eyes, and luscious lips., A highly detailed close-up portrait of an enigmatic woman with porcelain skin and melancholic green eyes, her expression a captivating blend of curiosity and wisdom. Her raven hair cascades over one shoulder in gentle waves, framing her face and emphasizing her delicate jawline. The scene is rendered from a unique 'bug's-eye view', offering an intimate glimpse into the subject's soul as she tilts her head slightly, her gaze meeting yours with an almost supernatural intensity. The soft, diffused light bathing her features highlights the nuanced play of shadow and highlight across her skin, drawing you deeper into this enigmatic portrait that deftly balances the ethereal and the tangible, inviting contemplation of the depths of human experience.
    Create an ultra-detailed, photo-realistic (1.3) 8k wallpaper depicting a stunning, young dragon girl wearing a business suit and cross-laced clothes with a collared shirt open to reveal a miniskirt underneath. Her hair is a vibrant pink color with medium length (1.3) and short bangs, featuring the novafrogstyle floating strands. Her eyes are incredibly detailed, with long eyelashes framing her gaze as she looks directly at the viewer with a light smile. Her face is mature yet youthful, with a beautiful, delicate nose and subtle definition on her features. She stands in an office setting with a detailed, futuristic background, surrounded by open cardigan and unbuttoned shirt revealing black thigh-highs underneath. The floor-to-ceiling shelves are stocked with various books and devices, while the walls feature sleek metallic panels and translucent screens. In the foreground, a small desk holds a peculiar, glowing orb emitting soft light that casts a warm glow on her face.
    masterpiece,best quality,<lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:0.5>,<lora:add-detail-xl:1>,<lora:aesthetic_anime_v1sXL:1>,<lora:polyhedron_all_sdxl-000004:0.4>,<lora:extremely_detailedXL:0.5>,<lora:EnvyAwesomizeXL01:0.5>,<lora:SDXLFaeTastic2400:0.3>,<lora:ral-dissolve-sdxl:0.2>,<lora:linquiveraXL:0.2>,<lora:DisturbiaXL:0.2>,<lora:ClassipeintXL2.0:0.2>,<lora:AnalogRedmondV2-Analog-AnalogRedmAF:0.2>,he weaknesses of enemies:1.5>assassin,member of the League of Shadows,cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar,he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask,a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim,conceals his features,leaving only his piercing Crimson glwing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents.His silver hair,a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire,hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage.In his hand,he wields the Whispering Shadowblade,an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift,imbued with an eerie,otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved,serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen,a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows,<lora:more_details:1>,<lora:BearlySD:1>,
    masterpiece,best quality,<lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:0.5>,<lora:add-detail-xl:1>,<lora:aesthetic_anime_v1sXL:1>,<lora:polyhedron_all_sdxl-000004:0.4>,<lora:extremely_detailedXL:0.5>,<lora:EnvyAwesomizeXL01:0.5>,<lora:SDXLFaeTastic2400:0.3>,<lora:ral-dissolve-sdxl:0.2>,<lora:linquiveraXL:0.2>,<lora:DisturbiaXL:0.2>,<lora:ClassipeintXL2.0:0.2>,<lora:AnalogRedmondV2-Analog-AnalogRedmAF:0.2>,he weaknesses of enemies:1.5>assassin,member of the League of Shadows,cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar,he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask,a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim,conceals his features,leaving only his piercing Crimson glwing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents.His silver hair,a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire,hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage.In his hand,he wields the Whispering Shadowblade,an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift,imbued with an eerie,otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved,serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen,a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows,<lora:more_details:1>,<lora:BearlySD:1>,
    1man, solo, Sculpture, white skin, face shot, crack, strong reflection, black background, studio lighting, golden stroke
young assassin, a member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glowing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents and mamy throwing knives. His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage. In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows, a master of the shadows and a harbinger of silent, swift demise.menacing.
    Lyrael, the Great Wolf, an intimidating youthful female elf criminal and thug, lithe, smallbreasts and petite, very pale skin, light grey hair, emerald green eyes, high cheekbones, delicate features, thin lips, very pale white skin, evil-looking; north-african, barbaric, art by moebius and mike mignola
    Ultra high quality, masterpiece, ultra high resolution, (photorealistic:1.3), realistic skin texture, ray traced, A hyper realistic ultra detailed, ultrarealistic,cute,petite body,perky boobs,slender,innocence, slender_waist,love,tightly cropped composition,detailed and intricate environment,A beautiful and youthful Japanese model, 18 years old, showcases her striking looks with a slender body, perfect face, exquisite eyes, and luscious lips., A highly detailed close-up portrait of an enigmatic woman with porcelain skin and melancholic green eyes, her expression a captivating blend of curiosity and wisdom. Her raven hair cascades over one shoulder in gentle waves, framing her face and emphasizing her delicate jawline. The scene is rendered from a unique 'bug's-eye view', offering an intimate glimpse into the subject's soul as she tilts her head slightly, her gaze meeting yours with an almost supernatural intensity. The soft, diffused light bathing her features highlights the nuanced play of shadow and highlight across her skin, drawing you deeper into this enigmatic portrait that deftly balances the ethereal and the tangible, inviting contemplation of the depths of human experience.
    ayumiko, beautifull girl, round facial shape with angular prominent bold facial features. shallow depth of field, carnival background, CYMK neon lights, carnival lights shine on beautiful tan skin and reflect in her big beautiful captivating eyes. incredibly detailed, photoshoot, model-like features, natural beauty, (elaborate colorful makeup, silver and violet face glitter, cyan smoked eyes, detailed elaborate artistic exaggerated eyeliner that extends beyond her beautiful eyes in artistic swirls),beautiful loose braided blonde ponytail hair with rainbow streaks. youthful charm, joyful and eager expression in her eyes, slightly parted lipstick sexy thin sinful lips that exude a sense of sinful mischief. Kodak film style, dramatic light,epic photography,Hollywood Cinematic Film style, dreamlike fantasy image,J3NN4,strange scenery,david lachapelle style
    **Spider-Man's Web Tower: A Modern Marvel**
**Exterior Design:**
The Web Tower is a striking skyscraper inspired by Spider-Man's iconic red and blue color scheme. The facade features sleek, reflective blue panels interwoven with bold red web patterns that glow softly at night, creating a luminous effect reminiscent of Spider-Man's web-swinging through the city.
**Architectural Features:**
- **Webbed Framework:** The building's exoskeleton mimics a spider’s web, providing both structural strength and a visually dynamic appearance.
- **Spire:** A black spider emblem sits atop the tower, glowing with a soft blue light, symbolizing Spider-Man’s protective watch over the city.
**Interior Aesthetic:**
- **Dynamic Spaces:** The lobby features a soaring atrium with web-like structures, casting intricate, moving shadows.
- **Color Palette:** The red and blue theme continues inside, with sleek black accents and textured walls resembling spider webs.
**Functional Design:**
- **Resilient Windows:** Hybrid material windows, inspired by spider silk, offer durability and energy efficiency.
- **Community Focus:** A public plaza at the tower's base includes interactive installations inspired by Spider-Man, along with a community center for youth programs.
**Overall Impact:**
The Web Tower stands as a testament to Spider-Man's legacy, blending bold design with innovative features, making it a modern architectural landmark and a symbol of hope for the city.
    1man, solo, Sculpture, white skin, face shot, crack, strong reflection, black background, studio lighting, golden stroke
young assassin, a member of the League of Shadows, cuts a daunting figure with his enigmatic presence. Clad in a flowing black cloak adorned with intricate golden motifs and a touch of pristine white fur at the collar, he exudes an aura of sinister elegance. His mask, a striking blend of black and white with gilded trim, conceals his features, leaving only his piercing Crimson glowing eyes visible through the carefully crafted eye-holes. Dressed in a form-fitting black leather ensemble with golf accents and mamy throwing knives. His silver hair, a striking contrast against the darkness of his attire, hints at the wisdom and experience that belies his youthful visage. In his hand, he wields the Whispering Shadowblade, an obsidian-black dagger adorned with mesmerizing silver runes that seem to writhe and shift, imbued with an eerie, otherworldly allure. The weapon's curved, serpentine blade gleams with an ethereal sheen, a testament to its supernatural nature and the deadly precision it offers to its master. This enigmatic figure embodies the lethal prowess and uncanny finesse of the League of Shadows, a master of the shadows and a harbinger of silent, swift demise.menacing.
    (Soft Lighting Photography by Mimoza Veliu and Mario Giacomelli:1.2), NSFW, a high-resolution photograph capturing a young East Asian woman seated on a cube against a wall. She has a slim, petite physique with a youthful appearance. Her long, straight, dark brown hair cascades over her shoulders and face, with a few strands slightly disheveled. She was wearing a white shirt and a tight black hip-hugging skirt. and black garter straps attached to sheer black thigh-high stockings. Her feet are adorned with glossy black stiletto heels, adding an elegant and provocative touch to her attire. The lighting is soft, highlighting her smooth, fair skin and the delicate texture of her lace lingerie. Her expression is neutral, with a subtle hint of sultriness, as she gazes directly at the camera. The background is minimalistic, focusing attention on the subject. The overall composition is intimate and sensual, emphasizing the contrast between the warm tones of her surroundings and the cool. The setting appears to be an indoor studio, with the backdrop and lighting carefully chosen to enhance the subject's features and the overall mood of the photograph. <lora:TWbabeXL01:0.6>
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_8, bedroom, high detail, dramatic lighting, front view,intricate, elegant, sharp focus, zPDXLxxx, zPDXLrl. Stable_Yogis_SD1.5_Positives
1girl, black_hair, long_hair, brown_eyes, skinny, tired_smile, expressive_clothes, full_body, sitting, leaning, arm_support, looking_at_viewer, smile, highres, dramatic_lighting, front_view, sitting_on_bed, freckles, detailed_eyes, eyeliner, intricate, elegant, sharp_focus, blush, perfect_face, youthful_face, cute, bedroom, naughty_smile (human facial features:1.5), (perfect face:1.2),
    masterpiece,best quality, Spring Day 1920 s Young Vera-Ellen, age 25, Flowing Blond Hair, Bright Blue eyes, Lovely smile. Basket in hand, Picking Oranges in the Orange groves of California,  flowing blond hair cascades gently around her face, framing her bright blue eyes that sparkle with a youthful vibrancy. Her lovely smile radiates warmth and joy, capturing the essence of a carefree era. This exquisite portrayal, akin to a masterfully painted canvas, transports viewers back in time with its rich colors and expert brushstrokes. The image captivates with its high definition, capturing every minute detail of the lady's radiant features, giving the impression of being able to step into the past itself.dramatic lighting, epic widescreen photography style 8K
    youthful, noble face with softly defined features that make him approachable rather than intimidating. His skin is fair, with a faint, natural glow that masks his true nature, giving him an almost ethereal warmth. His eyes are a striking, deep shade—perhaps a rich amber or soft hazel—that easily draw people in, carrying both kindness and subtle intensity. He has long brown hair
    craiyon_120434, Zopha, God of Plants, high detail, high_resolution, dungeons_and_dragons, BadDream, oil painting, Appearance:
godly figure, androgynous, serene expression, youthful face, radiant skin, green eyes, long flowing hair intertwined with vines and flowers, ethereal glow, tall and slender build, soft, gentle features.
robes made of leaves and petals, nature-themed jewelry, crown of flowers and vines, mossy textures, organic armor, ancient and mystical design.
Pose and Expression:
standing with open arms, welcoming pose, gentle smile, looking at the viewer, peaceful demeanor, confident yet calm posture.
lush forest, overgrown temple, garden sanctuary, vibrant foliage, waterfalls, sunlight filtering through leaves, ancient trees, hidden grove, Eden-like paradise.
Symbols and Accessories:
staff entwined with vines, glowing seed in hand, enchanted flowers, animals gathering around, butterflies and birds, earth and water elements, sacred symbols, runes of growth and life.
Color Palette:
rich greens, vibrant floral colors, soft earth tones, golden sunlight, natural hues, harmonious blend of colors.
mystical, peaceful, harmonious, enchanting, otherworldly, rejuvenating, serene, magical aura.
Art Style:
highly detailed, intricate, fantasy realism, brushwork, trending on ArtStation, inspired by nature, vibrant and lively.
    Bioluminescent, A stylized portrait of a woman in profile, her head turned to the right, gazing away from the viewer with a contemplative expression. Her short, blunt black hair is partially obscured by an intricate, metallic headpiece reminiscent of futuristic armor. The headpiece is highly detailed with gold, silver, and purple accents, reflecting light in a way that suggests a luminescent quality. The woman possesses a youthful, pale complexion with rosy cheeks and lips painted a delicate pink. A single piercing adorns her upper ear, from which hangs a long, thin, golden earring with elaborate tassels. She wears a high-collared, black garment with voluminous sleeves and golden embellishments. Her right hand gently touches her chin, while her left hand rests near her waist. The background is a complex, abstract composition of geometric shapes, reminiscent of a bustling, futuristic cityscape rendered in a warm palette of golds, blues, and oranges. The overall composition utilizes a shallow depth of field, drawing focus to the subject's face and the iridescent sheen of her attire. Light sources appear diffused, casting soft shadows that accentuate the subject's features and the textures of her clothing. The scene evokes a sense of quiet contemplation amidst the vibrant chaos of a technologically advanced world, inviting the viewer to ponder the woman's story and the society in which she exists.
    **Spider-Man's Web Tower: A Modern Marvel**
**Exterior Design:**
The Web Tower is a striking skyscraper inspired by Spider-Man's iconic red and blue color scheme. The facade features sleek, reflective blue panels interwoven with bold red web patterns that glow softly at night, creating a luminous effect reminiscent of Spider-Man's web-swinging through the city.
**Architectural Features:**
- **Webbed Framework:** The building's exoskeleton mimics a spider’s web, providing both structural strength and a visually dynamic appearance.
- **Spire:** A black spider emblem sits atop the tower, glowing with a soft blue light, symbolizing Spider-Man’s protective watch over the city.
**Interior Aesthetic:**
- **Dynamic Spaces:** The lobby features a soaring atrium with web-like structures, casting intricate, moving shadows.
- **Color Palette:** The red and blue theme continues inside, with sleek black accents and textured walls resembling spider webs.
**Functional Design:**
- **Resilient Windows:** Hybrid material windows, inspired by spider silk, offer durability and energy efficiency.
- **Community Focus:** A public plaza at the tower's base includes interactive installations inspired by Spider-Man, along with a community center for youth programs.
**Overall Impact:**
The Web Tower stands as a testament to Spider-Man's legacy, blending bold design with innovative features, making it a modern architectural landmark and a symbol of hope for the city.
    Create an ultra-detailed, photo-realistic (1.3) 8k wallpaper depicting a stunning, young dragon girl wearing a business suit and cross-laced clothes with a collared shirt open to reveal a miniskirt underneath. Her hair is a vibrant pink color with medium length (1.3) and short bangs, featuring the novafrogstyle floating strands. Her eyes are incredibly detailed, with long eyelashes framing her gaze as she looks directly at the viewer with a light smile. Her face is mature yet youthful, with a beautiful, delicate nose and subtle definition on her features. She stands in an office setting with a detailed, futuristic background, surrounded by open cardigan and unbuttoned shirt revealing black thigh-highs underneath. The floor-to-ceiling shelves are stocked with various books and devices, while the walls feature sleek metallic panels and translucent screens. In the foreground, a small desk holds a peculiar, glowing orb emitting soft light that casts a warm glow on her face.
    masterpiece,best quality, Spring Day 1920 s Young Vera-Ellen, age 25, Flowing Blond Hair, Bright Blue eyes, Lovely smile. Basket in hand, Picking Oranges in the Orange groves of California,  flowing blond hair cascades gently around her face, framing her bright blue eyes that sparkle with a youthful vibrancy. Her lovely smile radiates warmth and joy, capturing the essence of a carefree era. This exquisite portrayal, akin to a masterfully painted canvas, transports viewers back in time with its rich colors and expert brushstrokes. The image captivates with its high definition, capturing every minute detail of the lady's radiant features, giving the impression of being able to step into the past itself.dramatic lighting, epic widescreen photography style 8K
    A casual outdoor skate park scene featuring Avril Lavigne, a young woman with long, straight brown hair, wearing a white tank top, loose cargo pants, and a black necktie. She has black and red bracelets on both wrists and black Converse sneakers. She stands confidently, with graffiti-covered ramps and a sunny sky in the background. High-detail textures, soft natural lighting, and a laid-back, youthful vibe. <lora:avl:0.6>
    A stunning 20-year-old blonde woman with (shoulder-length hair) and blue eyes poses confidently at the ((rim of the Grand Canyon)), sitting gracefully on a rugged rock outcropping that juts out over the breathtaking expanse below. She is wearing a very loose thin tank top, way too large thin tank top, thin baggy tank top, side boob, no bra. natural curves and (large breasts). The camera focuses closely on her upper body and face, capturing intimate details of her soft expression, striking blue eyes, and the gentle breeze playing with her shoulder-length hair. Captured in ((various dynamic poses)), she transitions effortlessly between leaning slightly forward with her chin resting on her hand, offering a warm and thoughtful gaze; tilting her head gently as the sunlight illuminates her face; and softly smiling while looking directly into the camera. The soft golden sunlight filtering across her skin creates delicate highlights and shadows, enhancing the fine details of her youthful features. Her confident expressions and relaxed posture exude both serenity and strength in every pose. The natural textures of her hair, clothing, and the subtle background of the canyon rim create a harmonious balance in each composition. The lighting is expertly diffused, ensuring every close-up pose is captured with vivid clarity and (artistic sophistication) against the breathtaking Grand Canyon backdrop.
    A body art performer is confidently showing off her proud body to the audience. She is a beautiful Asian woman with a slender figure, natural proportions, easy posture, gentle and straight into the camera. She stood barefoot on the floor, her arms hanging loosely at her sides. She was wearing a pair of black stockings that showed off her beautiful legs. Her face is delicate and natural, light makeup, oval face, soft features. Her eyes are almond-shaped, delicately embellished with mascara and eyeliner, and she gazes gently and directly into the camera. Her lips were full, naturally colored, and gently closed. Her eyebrows are naturally shaped and dark. Her long black hair is simple, parted in the middle, and naturally falls over her shoulders. Under the soft indoor lighting, her skin takes on a clear and flawless smoothness, conveying a youthful and healthy beauty. The interior environment has natural beauty and understated elegance. There were scattered clothes on the floor. The lighting is soft and diffuse, mimicking natural light and enhancing her smooth skin.
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_8, bedroom, high detail, dramatic lighting, front view,intricate, elegant, sharp focus, zPDXLxxx, zPDXLrl. Stable_Yogis_SD1.5_Positives
1girl, black_hair, long_hair, brown_eyes, skinny, tired_smile, expressive_clothes, full_body, sitting, leaning, arm_support, looking_at_viewer, smile, highres, dramatic_lighting, front_view, sitting_on_bed, freckles, detailed_eyes, eyeliner, intricate, elegant, sharp_focus, blush, perfect_face, youthful_face, cute, bedroom, naughty_smile (human facial features:1.5), (perfect face:1.2),
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_8, bedroom, high detail, dramatic lighting, front view,intricate, elegant, sharp focus, zPDXLxxx, zPDXLrl. Stable_Yogis_SD1.5_Positives
1girl, black_hair, long_hair, brown_eyes, skinny, tired_smile, expressive_clothes, full_body, sitting, leaning, arm_support, looking_at_viewer, smile, highres, dramatic_lighting, front_view, sitting_on_bed, freckles, detailed_eyes, eyeliner, intricate, elegant, sharp_focus, blush, perfect_face, youthful_face, cute, bedroom, naughty_smile (human facial features:1.5), (perfect face:1.2),

      DreamShaper XL

    • v2.1 Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_v21TurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • Lightning DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_lightningDPMSDE.safetensors
    • SFW v2 Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_sfwV2TurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • SFW Lightning DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_sfwLightningDPMSDE.safetensors
    • v2 Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_v2TurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_turboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • SFW Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_sfwTurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • alpha2 (xl1.0) - dreamshaperXL_alpha2Xl10.safetensors
    • alpha1 (xl0.9) - dreamshaperXL_alpha1Xl09.safetensors


    • 8 - dreamshaper_8.safetensors
    • 8 LCM - dreamshaper_8LCM.safetensors
    • 8-inpainting - dreamshaper_8Inpainting.safetensors
    • 8-diffusers -
    • 7 - dreamshaper_7.safetensors
    • 7-inpainting - dreamshaper_7-inpainting.safetensors
    • 7-diffusers -
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    • 6.31-inpainting - dreamshaper_631Inpainting.safetensors
    • 6.31 diffusers -
    • 6 baked vae - dreamshaper_6BakedVae.safetensors
    • 6.2 baked vae - dreamshaper_62BakedVae.safetensors
    • 6-inpainting - dreamshaper_6Inpainting.safetensors
    • 6 no vae - dreamshaper_6NoVae.safetensors
    • 6 diffusers -
    • 5 baked vae - dreamshaper_5BakedVae.ckpt
    • 5 pruned (no vae) - train - dreamshaper_5PrunedNoVaeTrain.ckpt
    • 5-inpainting - dreamshaper_5-inpainting.safetensors
    • 5 baked vae diffusers -
    • 4 baked vae - dreamshaper_4BakedVae.safetensors
    • 4-inpainting - dreamshaper_4-inpainting.safetensors
    • 4 baked vae fp16 - dreamshaper_4BakedVaeFp16.safetensors
    • 4 no vae - dreamshaper_4NoVae.safetensors
    • 4 no vae fp16 - dreamshaper_4NoVaeFp16.ckpt
    • 3.32 baked vae (clip fix) - dreamshaper_332BakedVaeClipFix.ckpt
    • 3.31 baked vae - dreamshaper_331BakedVae.ckpt
    • 3.31-inpainting - dreamshaper_331-inpainting.safetensors
    • 3.3 - dreamshaper_33.ckpt
    • 2.52 (safetensors fixed) - dreamshaper_252SafetensorsFixed.ckpt
    • 2.52 (pruned) - dreamshaper_252Pruned.ckpt
    • 2.52 (initial release) - dreamshaper_252InitialRelease.ckpt