null at least some

    hkhorror, still from a cinematic Ari Aster film. a freezing cold walk-in commercial freezer. Clouds of fog drift from some of their mouths, in indicating that at least some of them are still alive. Low, wispy, thin fog carpets the floor. A young girl in a pretty print dress crouches, sings to herself and smiles while ((drawing glowing unholy symbols on the floor)). The girl has no steam breath, because she is either undead or inhuman. Hollow black eyes and mouth, turning to look at viewer
    The illustration depicts a deep night in a fantasy-like forest. The focal point of the image is three enormous mushrooms of varied height, taking up at least half of the image. The smallest mushroom is in the middle of the image and there is a forest snail, without its shell, climbing it, looking at a little fairy sitting on the largest mushroom. The fairy sits on the edge of the mushroom observing the eerie bright light that illuminates the glade. The scene gives off a feeling of magic and enchantment, with the dark forest and giant mushrooms adding to the mysterious and dreamlike atmosphere. The fairy and forest snail add a touch of whimsy to the image. The bright light gives off an otherworldly glow, making the image feel ethereal and surreal. The illustration style is slightly reminiscent of the illustrations of Arthur Rackham and the animation style of Studio Ghibli. It is captivating, enchanted, mystical, mysterious, magical, fairytale, whimsical and fantastical, that it is hard not to get lost in the scene.
    The illustration depicts a deep night in a fantasy-like forest. The focal point of the image is three enormous mushrooms of varied height, taking up at least half of the image. The smallest mushroom is in the middle of the image and there is a forest snail, without its shell, climbing it, looking at a little fairy sitting on the largest mushroom. The fairy sits on the edge of the mushroom observing the eerie bright light that illuminates the glade. The scene gives off a feeling of magic and enchantment, with the dark forest and giant mushrooms adding to the mysterious and dreamlike atmosphere. The fairy and forest snail add a touch of whimsy to the image. The bright light gives off an otherworldly glow, making the image feel ethereal and surreal. The illustration style is slightly reminiscent of the illustrations of Arthur Rackham and the animation style of Studio Ghibli. It is captivating, enchanted, mystical, mysterious, magical, fairytale, whimsical and fantastical, that it is hard not to get lost in the scene.
    The picture shows four individuals in a group selfie, smiling and standing close together indoors. The setting has warm, wooden ceiling panels, with several modern light fixtures featuring round bulbs behind them.
Key details to replicate this scene:
Lighting: Soft, warm interior lighting with additional ambient lights in the background, providing a comfortable atmosphere. There are some reflections from the lights visible on the individuals’ faces, giving it a well-lit, relaxed setting.
Background: A modern indoor environment, likely a café or hotel lounge, featuring a wood-paneled ceiling and modern lighting fixtures. An elevator is seen in the background, with plants adding a touch of greenery.
Individuals: Four people standing close together, two men in front (both wearing glasses and smiling), and a woman with red hair slightly in front of a third man standing behind them.
Clothing: Casual clothing, including a light blue button-down shirt, a green quilted jacket, and glasses on at least two individuals.
    In the afternoon I want to rest
Get to the beach and see
If the wind is still strong, go
It's good to climb the rocks, I know
What do I do to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away
Now it's so far away, see
The skyline distracts me
I miss our plans the most
When we looked together in the same direction
Where are you now
Besides here inside me?
We act right unintentionally
It was just the time that went wrong
It will be difficult for me without you
Because you are with me all the time
And when I see the sea
Is there something that says
That life goes on and surrendering is silly
since you are not here
What can I do is take care of myself
I want to be happy at least
Remember the plan was for us to be okay?
Hey, look what I found, hmm
Sea horses
I know I do it to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away<lora:wegg:1.0>
    The stars align in the night sky above and Antarctic mountain plain that least to the Antarctic sea
    in front hangs a single-storey house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, the hobbit-type house, a large front porch, round windows, a stone chimney, inside a spacious room, at least three room, internal toilet and bathroom, a separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, nestling in the forest in front of it a river passes, a meadow with colorful flowers, realistic style, photorealism, a sense of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    At 2nd level, an aerochemist becomes an expert at attacking from above. He gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with thrown weapons against targets that are at least 10 feet below him. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, and increases by an additional 1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +5 at 18th level., BREAK
Hyper-realistic, 16k resolution, intricate details.
(masterpiece, award winning artwork)
many details, extreme detailed, full of details,
Wide range of colors, high Dynamic Range
 <lora:zavy-bcklt-sdxl:0.25> zavy-bcklt 
    Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door-
                 Only this, and nothing more."
Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;- vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow- sorrow for the lost Lenore-
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore-
                 Nameless here for evermore.
And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me- filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating,
"'Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door-
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;-
                 This it is, and nothing more."
Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
"Sir," said I, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you"- here I opened wide the door;-
                 Darkness there, and nothing more.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?"
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"-
                 Merely this, and nothing more.
Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
"Surely," said I, "surely that is something at my window lattice:
Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore-
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore;-
                 'Tis the wind and nothing more!"
Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore;
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he;
But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door-
Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door-
                 Perched, and sat, and nothing more.
Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore.
"Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou," I said, "art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore-
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"
                 Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly,
Though its answer little meaning- little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door-
Bird or beast upon the sculptured bust above his chamber door,
                 With such name as "Nevermore."
But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing further then he uttered- not a feather then he fluttered-
Till I scarcely more than muttered, "Other friends have flown before-
On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before."
                 Then the bird said, "Nevermore."
Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
"Doubtless," said I, "what it utters is its only stock and store,
Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore-
Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
                 Of 'Never- nevermore'."
But the Raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushioned seat in front of bird, and bust and door;
Then upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore-
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt and ominous bird of yore
                 Meant in croaking "Nevermore."
This I sat engaged in guessing, but no syllable expressing
To the fowl whose fiery eyes now burned into my bosom's core;
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining
On the cushion's velvet lining that the lamp-light gloated o'er,
But whose velvet violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o'er,
                 She shall press, ah, nevermore!
Then methought the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer
Swung by Seraphim whose footfalls tinkled on the tufted floor.
"Wretch," I cried, "thy God hath lent thee- by these angels he hath sent thee
Respite- respite and nepenthe, from thy memories of Lenore!
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!"
                 Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil! -
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore,
Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted-
On this home by Horror haunted- tell me truly, I implore-
Is there- is there balm in Gilead?- tell me- tell me, I implore!"
                 Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil!
By that Heaven that bends above us- by that God we both adore-
Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore-
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore."
                 Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
"Be that word our sign in parting, bird or fiend," I shrieked, upstarting-
"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken!- quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"
                 Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
                 Shall be lifted- nevermore!
    The stars align in the night sky above and Antarctic mountain plain that least to the Antarctic sea,
(Detailed black Cthulhu is rising out of the sea)
A lone tiny human explorer watches, terrified.
Detailed, absurdres, masterpiece, UHD, dynamic lighting and shading
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    The stars align in the night sky above and Antarctic mountain plain that least to the Antarctic sea,
(Detailed black Cthulhu is rising out of the sea with its wings unfurling)
A lone tiny human explorer watches, terrified.
Detailed, absurdres, masterpiece, UHD, dynamic lighting and shading
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    In the afternoon I want to rest
Get to the beach and see
If the wind is still strong, go
It's good to climb the rocks, I know
What do I do to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away
Now it's so far away, see
The skyline distracts me
I miss our plans the most
When we looked together in the same direction
Where are you now
Besides here inside me?
We act right unintentionally
It was just the time that went wrong
It will be difficult for me without you
Because you are with me all the time
And when I see the sea
Is there something that says
That life goes on and surrendering is silly
since you are not here
What can I do is take care of myself
I want to be happy at least
Remember the plan was for us to be okay?
Hey, look what I found, hmm
Sea horses
I know I do it to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away<lora:wegg:1.0>
    The picture shows four individuals in a group selfie, smiling and standing close together indoors. The setting has warm, wooden ceiling panels, with several modern light fixtures featuring round bulbs behind them.
Key details to replicate this scene:
Lighting: Soft, warm interior lighting with additional ambient lights in the background, providing a comfortable atmosphere. There are some reflections from the lights visible on the individuals’ faces, giving it a well-lit, relaxed setting.
Background: A modern indoor environment, likely a café or hotel lounge, featuring a wood-paneled ceiling and modern lighting fixtures. An elevator is seen in the background, with plants adding a touch of greenery.
Individuals: Four people standing close together, two men in front (both wearing glasses and smiling), and a woman with red hair slightly in front of a third man standing behind them.
Clothing: Casual clothing, including a light blue button-down shirt, a green quilted jacket, and glasses on at least two individuals.
    At 2nd level, an aerochemist becomes an expert at attacking from above. He gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with thrown weapons against targets that are at least 10 feet below him. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, and increases by an additional 1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +5 at 18th level., BREAK
Hyper-realistic, 16k resolution, intricate details.
(masterpiece, award winning artwork)
many details, extreme detailed, full of details,
Wide range of colors, high Dynamic Range
 <lora:zavy-bcklt-sdxl:0.25> zavy-bcklt 
    The stars align in the night sky above and Antarctic mountain plain that least to the Antarctic sea,
(Detailed black Cthulhu is rising out of the sea with its wings unfurling)
A lone tiny human explorer watches, terrified.
Detailed, absurdres, masterpiece, UHD, dynamic lighting and shading
    The stars align in the night sky above and Antarctic mountain plain that least to the Antarctic sea,
(Detailed black Cthulhu is rising out of the sea)
A lone tiny human explorer watches, terrified.
Detailed, absurdres, masterpiece, UHD, dynamic lighting and shading
    Skeuomorphic portrait of a Selena Gomez (ohwx woman) <lora:SelenaGomez-000007:1>. She wearing a long fur scarf that is wrapped around her neck at least three times, with fur ear muffs, and fur cuffs around her wrists. Underneath all the fur she is wearing a houndstooth patterened mohair turtleneck jumper. Her makeup is colorful & vibrant makeup, with her hair long and flowing, and with a fringe that comes down to her eyes. High definition, high quality, super high quality, best quality, perfect face, perfect hair, perfect clothing
    hkhorror, still from a cinematic Ari Aster film. a freezing cold walk-in commercial freezer. Clouds of fog drift from some of their mouths, in indicating that at least some of them are still alive. Low, wispy, thin fog carpets the floor. A young girl in a pretty print dress crouches, sings to herself and smiles while ((drawing glowing unholy symbols on the floor)). The girl has no steam breath, because she is either undead or inhuman. Hollow black eyes and mouth, turning to look at viewer
    Portrait, detailxl, ffacedetailxl, body in profile, hkhorror, detailxl, still from a cinematic Ari Aster film. a freezing cold walk-in commercial freezer. Clouds of fog drift from some of their mouths, in indicating that at least some of them are still alive. Low, wispy, thin fog carpets the floor. A young girl in a pretty print dress squatting, sings to herself and smiles while ((drawing glowing unholy symbols on the floor)). The girl has no steam breath, because she is either undead or inhuman. black hole eyes and mouth, turning to look at viewer
    In the afternoon I want to rest
Get to the beach and see
If the wind is still strong, go
It's good to climb the rocks, I know
What do I do to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away
Now it's so far away, see
The skyline distracts me
I miss our plans the most
When we looked together in the same direction
Where are you now
Besides here inside me?
We act right unintentionally
It was just the time that went wrong
It will be difficult for me without you
Because you are with me all the time
And when I see the sea
Is there something that says
That life goes on and surrendering is silly
since you are not here
What can I do is take care of myself
I want to be happy at least
Remember the plan was for us to be okay?
Hey, look what I found, hmm
Sea horses
I know I do it to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away<lora:wegg:1.0>
    In the afternoon I want to rest
Get to the beach and see
If the wind is still strong, go
It's good to climb the rocks, I know
What do I do to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away
Now it's so far away, see
The skyline distracts me
I miss our plans the most
When we looked together in the same direction
Where are you now
Besides here inside me?
We act right unintentionally
It was just the time that went wrong
It will be difficult for me without you
Because you are with me all the time
And when I see the sea
Is there something that says
That life goes on and surrendering is silly
since you are not here
What can I do is take care of myself
I want to be happy at least
Remember the plan was for us to be okay?
Hey, look what I found, hmm
Sea horses
I know I do it to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away<lora:wegg:1.0>
    At 2nd level, an aerochemist becomes an expert at attacking from above. He gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with thrown weapons against targets that are at least 10 feet below him. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, and increases by an additional 1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +5 at 18th level., BREAK
Hyper-realistic, 16k resolution, intricate details.
(masterpiece, award winning artwork)
many details, extreme detailed, full of details,
Wide range of colors, high Dynamic Range
 <lora:zavy-bcklt-sdxl:0.25> zavy-bcklt 
    hkhorror, still from a cinematic Ari Aster film. a freezing cold walk-in commercial freezer. Clouds of fog drift from some of their mouths, in indicating that at least some of them are still alive. Low, wispy, thin fog carpets the floor. A young girl in a pretty print dress squatting, sings to herself and smiles while ((drawing glowing unholy symbols on the floor)). The girl has no steam breath, because she is either undead or inhuman. Hollow black eyes and mouth, turning to look at viewer
    hkhorror, still from a cinematic Ari Aster film. a freezing cold walk-in commercial freezer. Clouds of fog drift from some of their mouths, in indicating that at least some of them are still alive. Low, wispy, thin fog carpets the floor. A young girl in a pretty print dress squatting, sings to herself and smiles while ((drawing glowing unholy symbols on the floor)). The girl has no steam breath, because she is either undead or inhuman. Hollow black eyes and mouth, turning to look at viewer
    The picture shows four individuals in a group selfie, smiling and standing close together indoors. The setting has warm, wooden ceiling panels, with several modern light fixtures featuring round bulbs behind them.
Key details to replicate this scene:
Lighting: Soft, warm interior lighting with additional ambient lights in the background, providing a comfortable atmosphere. There are some reflections from the lights visible on the individuals’ faces, giving it a well-lit, relaxed setting.
Background: A modern indoor environment, likely a café or hotel lounge, featuring a wood-paneled ceiling and modern lighting fixtures. An elevator is seen in the background, with plants adding a touch of greenery.
Individuals: Four people standing close together, two men in front (both wearing glasses and smiling), and a woman with red hair slightly in front of a third man standing behind them.
Clothing: Casual clothing, including a light blue button-down shirt, a green quilted jacket, and glasses on at least two individuals.
    woman with short black hair and green-gold eyes, Image combining at least 4 artistic styles, inspired style of Michael Garmash, , Carne Griffiths. bokeh, natural lighting,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    In the afternoon I want to rest
Get to the beach and see
If the wind is still strong, go
It's good to climb the rocks, I know
What do I do to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away
Now it's so far away, see
The skyline distracts me
I miss our plans the most
When we looked together in the same direction
Where are you now
Besides here inside me?
We act right unintentionally
It was just the time that went wrong
It will be difficult for me without you
Because you are with me all the time
And when I see the sea
Is there something that says
That life goes on and surrendering is silly
since you are not here
What can I do is take care of myself
I want to be happy at least
Remember the plan was for us to be okay?
Hey, look what I found, hmm
Sea horses
I know I do it to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away<lora:wegg:1.0>
    Portrait, detailxl, ffacedetailxl, body in profile, hkhorror, detailxl, still from a cinematic Ari Aster film. a freezing cold walk-in commercial freezer. Clouds of fog drift from some of their mouths, in indicating that at least some of them are still alive. Low, wispy, thin fog carpets the floor. A young girl in a pretty print dress squatting, sings to herself and smiles while ((drawing glowing unholy symbols on the floor)). The girl has no steam breath, because she is either undead or inhuman. black hole eyes and mouth, turning to look at viewer
    In the afternoon I want to rest
Get to the beach and see
If the wind is still strong, go
It's good to climb the rocks, I know
What do I do to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away
Now it's so far away, see
The skyline distracts me
I miss our plans the most
When we looked together in the same direction
Where are you now
Besides here inside me?
We act right unintentionally
It was just the time that went wrong
It will be difficult for me without you
Because you are with me all the time
And when I see the sea
Is there something that says
That life goes on and surrendering is silly
since you are not here
What can I do is take care of myself
I want to be happy at least
Remember the plan was for us to be okay?
Hey, look what I found, hmm
Sea horses
I know I do it to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away<lora:wegg:1.0>
    hkhorror, still from a cinematic Ari Aster film. a freezing cold walk-in commercial freezer. Clouds of fog drift from some of their mouths, in indicating that at least some of them are still alive. Low, wispy, thin fog carpets the floor. A young girl in a pretty print dress squatting, sings to herself and smiles while ((drawing glowing unholy symbols on the floor)). The girl has no steam breath, because she is either undead or inhuman. Hollow black eyes and mouth, turning to look at viewer
    In the afternoon I want to rest
Get to the beach and see
If the wind is still strong, go
It's good to climb the rocks, I know
What do I do to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away
Now it's so far away, see
The skyline distracts me
I miss our plans the most
When we looked together in the same direction
Where are you now
Besides here inside me?
We act right unintentionally
It was just the time that went wrong
It will be difficult for me without you
Because you are with me all the time
And when I see the sea
Is there something that says
That life goes on and surrendering is silly
since you are not here
What can I do is take care of myself
I want to be happy at least
Remember the plan was for us to be okay?
Hey, look what I found, hmm
Sea horses
I know I do it to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away<lora:wegg:1.0>
    in front hangs a single-storey house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, the hobbit-type house, a large front porch, round windows, a stone chimney, inside a spacious room, at least three room, internal toilet and bathroom, a separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, nestling in the forest in front of it a river passes, a meadow with colorful flowers, realistic style, photorealism, a sense of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    Portrait, detailxl, ffacedetailxl, body in profile, hkhorror, detailxl, still from a cinematic Ari Aster film. a freezing cold walk-in commercial freezer. Clouds of fog drift from some of their mouths, in indicating that at least some of them are still alive. Low, wispy, thin fog carpets the floor. A young girl in a pretty print dress squatting, sings to herself and smiles while ((drawing glowing unholy symbols on the floor)). The girl has no steam breath, because she is either undead or inhuman. black hole eyes and mouth, turning to look at viewer
    in front hangs a single-storey house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, the hobbit-type house, a large front porch, round windows, a stone chimney, inside a spacious room, at least three room, internal toilet and bathroom, a separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, nestling in the forest in front of it a river passes, a meadow with colorful flowers, realistic style, photorealism, a sense of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front hangs a single-storey house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, the hobbit-type house, a large front porch, round windows, a stone chimney, inside a spacious room, at least three room, internal toilet and bathroom, a separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, nestling in the forest in front of it a river passes, a meadow with colorful flowers, realistic style, photorealism, a sense of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    Skeuomorphic portrait of a Selena Gomez (ohwx woman) <lora:SelenaGomez-000007:1>. She wearing a long fur scarf that is wrapped around her neck at least three times, with fur ear muffs, and fur cuffs around her wrists. Underneath all the fur she is wearing a houndstooth patterened mohair turtleneck jumper. Her makeup is colorful & vibrant makeup, with her hair long and flowing, and with a fringe that comes down to her eyes. High definition, high quality, super high quality, best quality, perfect face, perfect hair, perfect clothing
    in front hangs a single-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, the hobbit-type house, a large veranda in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a lounger type, a large barbecue, round windows, a stone chimney, a spacious room inside, at least three rooms, an indoor toilet and a bathroom, a separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, nestled in the forest in front of it runs a river, a meadow with colorful flowers, realistic style, photorealism, a sense of harmony and tranquility ,relaxation,
    The illustration depicts a deep night in a fantasy-like forest. The focal point of the image is three enormous mushrooms of varied height, taking up at least half of the image. The smallest mushroom is in the middle of the image and there is a forest snail, without its shell, climbing it, looking at a little fairy sitting on the largest mushroom. The fairy sits on the edge of the mushroom observing the eerie bright light that illuminates the glade. The scene gives off a feeling of magic and enchantment, with the dark forest and giant mushrooms adding to the mysterious and dreamlike atmosphere. The fairy and forest snail add a touch of whimsy to the image. The bright light gives off an otherworldly glow, making the image feel ethereal and surreal. The illustration style is slightly reminiscent of the illustrations of Arthur Rackham and the animation style of Studio Ghibli. It is captivating, enchanted, mystical, mysterious, magical, fairytale, whimsical and fantastical, that it is hard not to get lost in the scene.
    The illustration depicts a deep night in a fantasy-like forest. The focal point of the image is three enormous mushrooms of varied height, taking up at least half of the image. The smallest mushroom is in the middle of the image and there is a forest snail, without its shell, climbing it, looking at a little fairy sitting on the largest mushroom. The fairy sits on the edge of the mushroom observing the eerie bright light that illuminates the glade. The scene gives off a feeling of magic and enchantment, with the dark forest and giant mushrooms adding to the mysterious and dreamlike atmosphere. The fairy and forest snail add a touch of whimsy to the image. The bright light gives off an otherworldly glow, making the image feel ethereal and surreal. The illustration style is slightly reminiscent of the illustrations of Arthur Rackham and the animation style of Studio Ghibli. It is captivating, enchanted, mystical, mysterious, magical, fairytale, whimsical and fantastical, that it is hard not to get lost in the scene.
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    In the afternoon I want to rest
Get to the beach and see
If the wind is still strong, go
It's good to climb the rocks, I know
What do I do to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away
Now it's so far away, see
The skyline distracts me
I miss our plans the most
When we looked together in the same direction
Where are you now
Besides here inside me?
We act right unintentionally
It was just the time that went wrong
It will be difficult for me without you
Because you are with me all the time
And when I see the sea
Is there something that says
That life goes on and surrendering is silly
since you are not here
What can I do is take care of myself
I want to be happy at least
Remember the plan was for us to be okay?
Hey, look what I found, hmm
Sea horses
I know I do it to forget
I let the wave hit me
And the wind takes it all away<lora:wegg:1.0>
    At 2nd level, an aerochemist becomes an expert at attacking from above. He gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with thrown weapons against targets that are at least 10 feet below him. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, and increases by an additional 1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +5 at 18th level., BREAK
Hyper-realistic, 16k resolution, intricate details.
(masterpiece, award winning artwork)
many details, extreme detailed, full of details,
Wide range of colors, high Dynamic Range
 <lora:zavy-bcklt-sdxl:0.25> zavy-bcklt 
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    woman with short black hair and green-gold eyes, Image combining at least 4 artistic styles, inspired style of Michael Garmash, , Carne Griffiths. bokeh, natural lighting,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    one building game assets sheet, science fiction, oil painting by jama jurabaev, modular detailed, brush hard, artstation, for aaa game, (high quality:1.19), brush stroke  endprompt] "You heard it, (the bastard:1.1)" I said, taking the air from the room and heading over into the wall, My eyes were glued right onto the wall, moving as if to get a closer look, The room was lit brightly with candles lit up brightly by my own red. [newline] "So, why did you pull that off?" I asked, stepping out of the room. [newline] "I could have, at least." the man said, A look of fear was etched all over his face. [newline] "I can tell when you
    woman with short black hair and green-gold eyes, Image combining at least 4 artistic styles, inspired style of Michael Garmash, , Carne Griffiths. bokeh, natural lighting,
    Skeuomorphic portrait of a Selena Gomez (ohwx woman) <lora:SelenaGomez-000007:1>. She wearing a long fur scarf that is wrapped around her neck at least three times, with fur ear muffs, and fur cuffs around her wrists. Underneath all the fur she is wearing a houndstooth patterened mohair turtleneck jumper. Her makeup is colorful & vibrant makeup, with her hair long and flowing, and with a fringe that comes down to her eyes. High definition, high quality, super high quality, best quality, perfect face, perfect hair, perfect clothing
    Skeuomorphic portrait of a Selena Gomez (ohwx woman) <lora:SelenaGomez-000007:1>. She wearing a long fur scarf that is wrapped around her neck at least three times, with fur ear muffs, and fur cuffs around her wrists. Underneath all the fur she is wearing a houndstooth patterened mohair turtleneck jumper. Her makeup is colorful & vibrant makeup, with her hair long and flowing, and with a fringe that comes down to her eyes. High definition, high quality, super high quality, best quality, perfect face, perfect hair, perfect clothing
    At 2nd level, an aerochemist becomes an expert at attacking from above. He gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with thrown weapons against targets that are at least 10 feet below him. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, and increases by an additional 1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +5 at 18th level., BREAK
Hyper-realistic, 16k resolution, intricate details.
(masterpiece, award winning artwork)
many details, extreme detailed, full of details,
Wide range of colors, high Dynamic Range
 <lora:zavy-bcklt-sdxl:0.25> zavy-bcklt 
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    in front of it is a one-story house built of stone, covered and merged with nature, the roof reaches the ground and is completely covered with grass and green grass, a large veranda. in front of a table and chairs made of wooden branches, a type of lounger, a large barbecue, windows, a chimney made of stone, spacious inside, at least three rooms, indoor toilet and bathroom, separate wide kitchen merged with the living room, avant-garde and contemporary style, solar panels, ecologically independent house merging with nature, built from natural materials found in nature, realistic style, photorealism, feeling of harmony and peace, relaxation,
    At 2nd level, an aerochemist becomes an expert at attacking from above. He gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with thrown weapons against targets that are at least 10 feet below him. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, and increases by an additional 1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +5 at 18th level., BREAK
Hyper-realistic, 16k resolution, intricate details.
(masterpiece, award winning artwork)
many details, extreme detailed, full of details,
Wide range of colors, high Dynamic Range
 <lora:zavy-bcklt-sdxl:0.25> zavy-bcklt 
    realistic photo like  hyper realistic 
a young man and a young woman stand side by side on the bridge of a large starship. The woman is wearing a tight black and blue bodysuit. She has blonde hair and fish gills on her neck. The man has blond hair and is wearing farmer clothing.
The bridge of the starship is large and light in color. There are at least 20 workstations to control and manage the starship
    a young man and a young woman stand side by side on the bridge of a large starship. The woman is wearing a tight black and blue bodysuit. She has blonde hair and fish gills on her neck. The man has blond hair and is wearing farmer clothing.
The bridge of the starship is large and light in color. There are at least 20 workstations to control and manage the starship
    a young man and a young woman stand side by side on the bridge of a large starship. The woman is wearing a tight black and blue bodysuit. She has blonde hair and fish gills on her neck. The man has blond hair and is wearing farmer clothing.
The bridge of the starship is large and light in color. There are at least 20 workstations to control and manage the starship
    realistic photo like  hyper realistic 
a young man and a young woman stand side by side on the bridge of a large starship. The woman is wearing a tight black and blue bodysuit. She has blonde hair and fish gills on her neck. The man has blond hair and is wearing farmer clothing.
The bridge of the starship is large and light in color. There are at least 20 workstations to control and manage the starship

      DreamShaper XL

    • v2.1 Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_v21TurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • Lightning DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_lightningDPMSDE.safetensors
    • SFW v2 Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_sfwV2TurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • SFW Lightning DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_sfwLightningDPMSDE.safetensors
    • v2 Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_v2TurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_turboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • SFW Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_sfwTurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • alpha2 (xl1.0) - dreamshaperXL_alpha2Xl10.safetensors
    • alpha1 (xl0.9) - dreamshaperXL_alpha1Xl09.safetensors


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    • 7 - dreamshaper_7.safetensors
    • 7-inpainting - dreamshaper_7-inpainting.safetensors
    • 7-diffusers -
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    • 6.31-inpainting - dreamshaper_631Inpainting.safetensors
    • 6.31 diffusers -
    • 6 baked vae - dreamshaper_6BakedVae.safetensors
    • 6.2 baked vae - dreamshaper_62BakedVae.safetensors
    • 6-inpainting - dreamshaper_6Inpainting.safetensors
    • 6 no vae - dreamshaper_6NoVae.safetensors
    • 6 diffusers -
    • 5 baked vae - dreamshaper_5BakedVae.ckpt
    • 5 pruned (no vae) - train - dreamshaper_5PrunedNoVaeTrain.ckpt
    • 5-inpainting - dreamshaper_5-inpainting.safetensors
    • 5 baked vae diffusers -
    • 4 baked vae - dreamshaper_4BakedVae.safetensors
    • 4-inpainting - dreamshaper_4-inpainting.safetensors
    • 4 baked vae fp16 - dreamshaper_4BakedVaeFp16.safetensors
    • 4 no vae - dreamshaper_4NoVae.safetensors
    • 4 no vae fp16 - dreamshaper_4NoVaeFp16.ckpt
    • 3.32 baked vae (clip fix) - dreamshaper_332BakedVaeClipFix.ckpt
    • 3.31 baked vae - dreamshaper_331BakedVae.ckpt
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    • 2.52 (initial release) - dreamshaper_252InitialRelease.ckpt