null above average clothing

    Portrait of a Preoccupied Tartar male medieval Evil Curate of chaos with Green eyes, Brown hair, yellow asian skin, art by Brian Froud and tim Burton; youthful , imposing, chaotic evil, above average clothing and dress, fanatical, antagonistic, easy going disposition, anti-intellectual,  vengeful, ascetic, truthful, slothful, miserly, immoral and reverent. Interested in exotic animals
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Traditional Bulgarian folk costume: consisting of a white shirt, black waistcoat, anteria, and sash.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    candid shot, found footage, An average-looking Israeli 45-year-old plump woman is posed in a summer contest, The woman is in a summer setting, likely outdoors, She is dressed appropriately for the weather, possibly in light clothing,  miniskirt, long and tanned legs, There is a relaxed and natural expression on her face, 
    candid shot, found footage, An average-looking Israeli 45-year-old plump woman is posed in a summer contest, The woman is in a summer setting, likely outdoors, She is dressed appropriately for the weather, possibly in light clothing, There is a relaxed and natural expression on her face, The iPhone 6 is used to capture the candid photo, positioned at eye level, The scene is set in a summer setting with a beach or park backdrop, creating a natural and vibrant atmosphere, Shot on an iPhone 6, using raw mode to capture the image, Raw, candid, found footage, iPhone 6 photography with a candid and documentary feel, The Polaroid effect is simulated, giving the image a vintage feel, The aspect ratio is 2:3, suitable for social media sharing
    madeleine,queen,vrouwelijk,model,blond,haar,britt,kristina,mahovytskaya,should,cosmetic,dentist,orthodontist?,beautiful,beauty,hair,photo,wallpaper,portrait,,freckles,,emily,techera,portrait,photography,woman,young,standing,outdoors,urban,street,sandy,teen,beauty,,nude,indian,models,gabriella,anna,polina,earthly,biotics,cognitive,supplement,athlete,hebe,frau,lchelt,kamera,gegenlicht,wasse,lauren,attraktive,offenblende,portraits,blende,girl,dark,studio,backgroun,avatar,katharina,daphn,rhea,pellissier,elsa,kremser,startstipendiatin,with,keratin,treatment,alina,portfolio,image,ensaio,pessoal,raquel,bohn,lima,,paulo,dani,foto,door,etsie,deze,face,style,color,teenager,humor,based,therapy,laughing,mitakon,speedmaster,schnen,langen,blonden,sterke,inntrykk,thea,sommerseth,myhren,reist,noisylens,menin,fotografija,cimalanskait,diana,keating,nathalie,hombergh,frauenportrait,black&white,nhng,chng,faces,tags,tatiana,gladchenko,briem,kucharsky,golden,schwabroh,august,vega,charlotte,rencontre,femme,celibataire,polynesie,leaning,head,tree,trunk,,blue,eyes,pretty,patrizia,available,light,brenda,patea,schwanger,tennis,profi,jessicagoldberg,vegane,kosmetik,hautpflege,dicas,para,cabelo,crescer,mitos,verdades,olaf,schouw,tajna,veza,desni,osmijeha,side,view,henriette,ulvbjerg,petersen,belsenich,smiling,teenage,brown,hannah,henderson,sance,jeune,martinique,portret,charmante,lachende,meisje,patient,customized,lingual,braces,from,lena,dmitryelizarov,hydrafacial,page,freckles,inigo,royalty,free,average,looking,women,pictures,,long,enchanteur,porte,vtements,blancs,kosa,posvjetljivanje,kose,stephanie,dempfle,anticontaminacin,piel,radiante,mascarillas,vaaleahiuksinen,nainen,katsoo,kaukaisuuteen,dbanie,zeby,leczenie,ortodontycznejpg,retro,film,effect,hrekspertens,vare,hret,mello,freckled,thinking,amanda,moris,smile,cheerful,wearing,denim,clothes,annika,filehr,zahnmedizinische,prophylaxeassistent,towards,camera,closeup,seriou,abigail,nygren,ella,ajcophotography,green,contest,nulux,laser,toron,australian,academy,modelling,graduate,ksenia,away,adela,blonde,sitting,next,window,sweat,smiles,,invisalign,heather,close,stock,lovely,short,haired,straight,symbol,freundin,jasmijn,daniela,jone,troconis,prozent,jhrigen,bezeichnen,sich,rakina,reminiscent,angelina,jolie,look,agns,brossais,shoot,during,sunset,maristella,burchietti,russian,open,field,photoshoot,assisted,haley,brian,rivera,mathilde,amber,rosanne,mostert,,jessica,clifton,female,having,shining,eyes,,pure,stefan,kothner,photographer,mulher,feliz,sorrindo,irina,porcelain,veneers,kelowna,kayla,nicole,photography,,alpine,northwest,,seattl,chronisch,krank,tun?,selber,helfen?,richelet,strength,martens_profilseite_,linda,rosa,saal_,natalia,lily,raisa,guerlain,kristen,kaiser,personas,sonrojan,confiables,estud,heinold,jochen,schweizer,gruppe,kolberm,fotografie,,fotograaf,,fineart,,cain,amberskii,perfect,fresh,professioneel,sveva,vypadat,make,upu?,zkuste,nsleduj,marina,chekalina,heureuse,plein,blan,souriante,portant,appareil,dentaire,dentistry,albury,julia,szyndzielorz,teeth,whitening,ottawa,grayish,rachel,deutsch,addie,part,this,video,tutorial,will,walk,emotions,feeling,,fashion,,natural,into,distance,showing,contour,spohn,corrie,contact,lenses,frases,ayudarn,sentirte,einer,jungen,attraktiven,happy,sincere,smil,panouie,riant,illustrant,bienf,attractive,roxanne,norde,tessa,wiegerinck,kelly,jordan,flare,example,melissa,benoist,supergirl,marie,peau,tendance,acnique,secrets,maquil,archivo,brimlow,frdrique,deschnes,charming,propping,positive,hammock,brie,larson,lady,photograph,senior,robertlbrett,behandelprotocollen,huid,,nagels,ebba,strm,sarah,gregor,henrik,pfeifer,mara,prez,eyed,brunette,textured,grey,hoodie,lipstick,lisa,parkrud,thinkstock,thoughtfully,caucasian,stockfoto,mimi,ethic,cocquerel,epilation,joues,institut,beaut,styl,beaute,backgr,alexandra,garrido,surgery,gasport,brenna,bialek,miriam,slowik,herren,schpfung,gmbh,frankf,mettet,bruker,samme,sjampo,over,lengre,mooie,staande,blauwogige,getextureer,rays,rietbergen,grnde,warum,fter,lachen,solltest,maria,elena,iozza,consejos,maquillaje,invitadas,comuniones,challenge,accepted,origen,fotos,righ,fabienne,bridal,boudoir,stehle,fine,balistarz,michelle,agostino,shot,shoo,caroline,albertine,minor,lrke,posselt,sensational,smiles,dental,anti,wrinkle,injections,nadja,brenneisen,scott,stephens,,viktoria,hinson,natalie,tkac,picturescopyright,arte,crear,sonrisas,mujer,sonre,schauspielerin,karolin,berger,lina,oppolzer,causes,swollen,gums,ruijter,elina,vildanova,authentic,profile,pensive,alexia,eychenne,,journaliste,rubrique,emploi,fotograf,berlin,herzsprung,actress,schauspie,brighter,,healthier,onmisbare,beautyproducten,voor,nazomer,portraitshooting,roxy,lise,hochzeitsf,chica,cabello,largo,siliconas,makeup,alena,jacobs,synlab,hymyilee,rachelbailey,finals,fille,ejercicios,bajar,ansiedad,kaunis,kuvattuna,helsingiss,valokuvaaja,shallow,focus,dmitriy,chursin,greta,tuckute,klara,early,bird,special,prevent,facial,ageing,riboldi,steps,ojos,marrones,rubia,atracti,patricia,fieldwalker,moisturizer,that,limits,shrinkage,samira,portraitshoot,winter,wonderland,camer,ritratto,bella,donna,lunghi,capelli,biondi,sofya,titova,wwwmodelwerkde,martin,bauendahl,schmidtmajerova,brunett,carefree,,enjoying,sunshine,vrouw,groen,park,closed,wondow,portrait_,tasha,carlson,alumnus,depresso,cinco,sinais,doena,debilitante,outdoorsjpg,keiley,mckean,photographer,,editor,,nomakeupchallenge,ungeschminkt,male,andreas,walker,maja,,mother,lover,danemark,fluttering,myth,sensitive,skin,miles,heartbreak,issues,beth,calverley,festival,poet,performance,crowd,pachete,rejuvenare,cadou,murdered,stellenbosch,university,student,denise,motz,picture,alessia,debandi,blanqueamiento,endodoncia, elena,lobsanova,ballerina,featured,anlisis,facial,capilar,frau,schner,haut,look,best,beige,skin,tone,hormonale,quelle,routine,augencreme,tipps,einen,frischen,blick,smiling,beauty,woman,with,freckles,looking,away,lchelnde,hyaluronic,acid,injections,mujer,sonriendo,summer,care,youthful,face,fair,skinned,green,como,deixar,pele,bonita,maquiagem,essentials,creating,your,step,process,lindsay,makeup,brunette,clear,products,treatments,john,park,portrait,beautiful,model,girl,lips,qung,xinh,jeune,fille,adolescente,femme,laser,hair,removal,body,details,healthy,cute,general,dentistry,natural,loesia,rouge,lvres,classique,terracotta,antalya,burun,,kapa,,meme,,yanak,inceltme,,aitana,modelo,femenina,agencia,plugged,cosmetic,ortodoncia,implantes,dentales,resolvemos,make,rebecca,kugler,visagistin,augsburg,slbi,ncet,pierde,fecale,greutate,young,shows,unique,smile,definitive,plan,getting,acne,once,know,about,anti,ageing,gold,coas,krupne,istaknute,pomo,minke,neka,tvoj,things,might,makeover,dermagist,neck,cream,reviews,benefits,rice,flour,alexis,crystal,doal,yntemlerle,cildi,nemlendirmek,mmkn,guzel,musina,represent,russia,miss,grand,tratamiento,regenerador,cabello,loral,kaya,manfaat,,rekomendasi,skincare,dengan,styling,bergmann,studio,resized,that,affect,more,than,thoug,companion,even,wrinkle,choosing,right,dermal,filler,refinedmd,,carejpg,rutina,besprekorna,nega,lica,margarida,machado,gesichtsreinigung,waschhandschhuh,cuidados,rosto,clinic,devon,helen,scaled,profhilo,remodelling,treatment,meyer,tightening,tighten,reduce,https,imgokezonecom,content,cinco,tratamientos,faciales,aptos,para,verano,thicker,eyebrows,naturally,times,spectra,pore,minimizing,estetik,hekimlii,tedavi,fiyatlar,whiten,teeth?,achieve,whiter,bright,actress,,smile,,violett,beane,scar,peels,light,gordon,nadpotliwo,radzi,sobie,domowymi,sposobami,lipofilling,visage,benouaiche,paris,gloss,labios,suaves,color,female,perfect,daria,image,courtesy,rush,models,cheap,drugstore,experts,swear,grnde,five,besser,hautbalance,cada,cuatro,mujeres,sufre,problemas,applying,makeup_,detox,post,camera,free,photo,long,recovery,from,fractional,scheduled,microdermabrasion,session?,here,what,perez,brillant,coloris,nose,australia,better,idea,related,procedures,rhinoplasty,timeline,expect,after,trng,nude,trnh,teen,tips,women,tender,standing,half,naked,parodontologija,hautpflege,beratung,nach,wahl,stunde,trend,tapes,pour,raliser,maquillage,grouponcom,units,botox,consult,receive,juvederm,little,rock,tegen,vermoeide,huid,ampuh,menghilangkan,rambut,halus,wajah,,hismile,teeth,whitening,review,simioni,clnica,odontolgica,glowing,main,ests,solo,pasos,mejor,cuidado,posible,zabieg,oczy,pielegnacja,oczu,vika,levina,diet,asupan,gula,dapat,mengurangi,tampilan,bengkak,jolie,donne,gros,orgasme,invit,krper,,haare,beaut,happy,smiling,,flirty,glance,closeup,blue,eyed,woman,,aging,exercises,gives,cura,della,pelle,grassa,cydonia,cosmetici,microblanding,cejas,pelo,retoque,ojos,azules,belleza,chica,cara,retrato,hermosa,basics,soins,crmes,contre,cher,popular,reasons,people,seek,haarbehandlung,nevets,elkpeszt,hatsai,testre,cucci,avec,beaux,yeux,ronds,hydrafacial,page,inigo,thumbnail,last,longer,,nahaufnahme,schnen,jungen,frau,,glcklich,couture,perfekte,globella,salon,boutique,offers,spray,tanning,olesya,senchenko,chin,surgery,mitos,tentang,pori,wajah,yang,perlu,nhng,chng,quitar,lentillas,contaminarlas,maquill,glam,candy,masterclass,manieren,weten,gecombineerde,lentes,contato,dental,mulheres,beautiful,,shutterstock,options,left,hialuronsavas,arcfeltlts,menete,kezelsek,giloy,flawless,kosmetyczna,agentka,jesienne,niezbdniki,adotar,funo,tipo,cabelo,thermismooth,atlanta,georgia,biofit,estetica,integral,desde,washing,mistakes,never,knew,were,significa,tener,hoyuelos,cara?,appearance,frown,lines,dysport,fakta,tersembunyi,kentang,membantu,hidupmu,consejos,rejuvenecer,piel,unos,sbila,usar,aloe,vera,glatter,durch,hyaluronsure,collagen,method<lora:wegg:1.0>
    Portrait of a Preoccupied Tartar male medieval Evil Curate of chaos with Green eyes, Brown hair, yellow asian skin, art by Brian Froud and tim Burton; youthful , imposing, chaotic evil, above average clothing and dress, fanatical, antagonistic, easy going disposition, anti-intellectual,  vengeful, ascetic, truthful, slothful, miserly, immoral and reverent. Interested in exotic animals
    Amateur photo of a very average woman with black hair in her 30s. She has a neutral facial expression, wears unremarkable clothes and is in a nondescript room. Her physique is normal, her body is neither slim nor fat, but purely average. The photo was taken with a smartphone by a person who is not good at taking photos. The photo is of low quality, has little contrast, is poorly lit and the photo looks flat and desaturated. --style raw --s 40 --ar 2:
    Description of a portrait of Vasil Levski:
Physical characteristics:
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Traditional Bulgarian folk costume: consisting of a white shirt, black waistcoat, anteria, and sash.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    Description of a portrait of Vasil Levski:
Physical characteristics:
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Traditional Bulgarian folk costume: consisting of a white shirt, black waistcoat, anteria, and sash.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    Description of a portrait of Vasil Levski:
Physical characteristics:
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Traditional Bulgarian folk costume: consisting of a white shirt, black waistcoat, anteria, and sash.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    4k, uhd, masterpiece, rainy,
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Traditional Bulgarian folk costume: consisting of a white shirt, black waistcoat, anteria, and sash.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    Description of a portrait of Vasil Levski:
Physical characteristics:
Age: Around 30 years old.
Height: Average.
Build: Slim but muscular.
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, short-cropped.
Eyes: Blue, piercing.
Face: Oval, with regular features.
Beard: Unshaven, with a light beard.
Nose: Straight, slightly protruding.
Mouth: Medium-sized, with slightly curved lips.
Traditional Bulgarian folk costume: consisting of a white shirt, black waistcoat, anteria, and sash.
Sash: A wide brown sash is wrapped around his waist.
Kalpak: He wears a black kalpak on his head, decorated with a feather.
Weapon: He holds a revolver in his right hand.
His face is calm and confident.
His eyes are piercing and alert.
His lips are slightly pursed, as if he is ready to speak.
His overall appearance is one of determination and will.
Additional details:
horse near it, a pistol in the belt (pistol) ancient from the 18th century, a rifle over the shoulder (rifle) ancient from the 18th century, a sword on the cross
    candid shot, found footage, An average-looking Israeli 45-year-old plump woman is posed in a summer contest, The woman is in a summer setting, likely outdoors, She is dressed appropriately for the weather, possibly in light clothing,  miniskirt, long and tanned legs, There is a relaxed and natural expression on her face, The iPhone 6 is used to capture the candid photo, positioned at eye level, The scene is set in a summer setting with a beach or park backdrop, creating a natural and vibrant atmosphere, Shot on an iPhone 6, using raw mode to capture the image, Raw, candid, found footage, iPhone 6 photography with a candid and documentary feel, The Polaroid effect is simulated, giving the image a vintage feel, The aspect ratio is 2:3, suitable for social media sharing
    digital painting of an androgynous human farmer with a muscular build and average height, whitening hair, weathered hands, youthful face, dressed in worn-out farm clothes, posing against backdrop of green fields and clear sky, lighting at dusk, in the style of romanticism, watercolor painting by Mike Mignola, fantasy, Dungeons and Dragons <lora:dungeons_and_dragons_xl_v3:1.0> <lora:Mike Mignola Style:0.7> <lora:xl_more_art-full_v1:1.0>
    score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, ultra-detailed skin texture, realistic urban lighting, depth of field,
A portrait of a 35-year-old man with striking green eyes, short light chestnut hair styled naturally, and a calm neutral facial expression. The man has an average build and fair skin. He is leaning against a sleek glass balcony railing on the 15th floor of a modern high-rise, wearing a slim-fit black turtleneck and dark gray tailored trousers. Behind him, a sprawling cityscape unfolds: towering skyscrapers with reflective windows, distant clusters of trees in urban parks, and a dynamic sky filled with cumulus clouds tinged pink by late afternoon sun. The shallow depth of field keeps the man sharply focused, while the background subtly blurs, emphasizing the vertiginous height. Warm natural light mixes with cool reflections from nearby buildings, creating contrast on his skin and clothes. A faint breeze slightly tousles his hair, adding realism. Style: ultra-realistic urban portrait, cinematic shallow focus, Nikon Z7 II, 85mm lens, f/1.8, ISO 100. Subtle film grain enhances the documentary-like authenticity.
    candid shot, found footage, An average-looking Israeli 45-year-old plump woman is posed in a summer contest, The woman is in a summer setting, likely outdoors, She is dressed appropriately for the weather, possibly in light clothing,  miniskirt, long and tanned legs, There is a relaxed and natural expression on her face, The iPhone 6 is used to capture the candid photo, positioned at eye level, The scene is set in a summer setting with a beach or park backdrop, creating a natural and vibrant atmosphere, Shot on an iPhone 6, using raw mode to capture the image, Raw, candid, found footage, iPhone 6 photography with a candid and documentary feel, The Polaroid effect is simulated, giving the image a vintage feel, The aspect ratio is 2:3, suitable for social media sharing

      DreamShaper XL

    • v2.1 Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_v21TurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • Lightning DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_lightningDPMSDE.safetensors
    • SFW v2 Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_sfwV2TurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • SFW Lightning DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_sfwLightningDPMSDE.safetensors
    • v2 Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_v2TurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_turboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • SFW Turbo DPM++ SDE - dreamshaperXL_sfwTurboDPMSDE.safetensors
    • alpha2 (xl1.0) - dreamshaperXL_alpha2Xl10.safetensors
    • alpha1 (xl0.9) - dreamshaperXL_alpha1Xl09.safetensors


    • 8 - dreamshaper_8.safetensors
    • 8 LCM - dreamshaper_8LCM.safetensors
    • 8-inpainting - dreamshaper_8Inpainting.safetensors
    • 8-diffusers -
    • 7 - dreamshaper_7.safetensors
    • 7-inpainting - dreamshaper_7-inpainting.safetensors
    • 7-diffusers -
    • 6.31 baked vae - dreamshaper_631BakedVae.safetensors
    • 6.31-inpainting - dreamshaper_631Inpainting.safetensors
    • 6.31 diffusers -
    • 6 baked vae - dreamshaper_6BakedVae.safetensors
    • 6.2 baked vae - dreamshaper_62BakedVae.safetensors
    • 6-inpainting - dreamshaper_6Inpainting.safetensors
    • 6 no vae - dreamshaper_6NoVae.safetensors
    • 6 diffusers -
    • 5 baked vae - dreamshaper_5BakedVae.ckpt
    • 5 pruned (no vae) - train - dreamshaper_5PrunedNoVaeTrain.ckpt
    • 5-inpainting - dreamshaper_5-inpainting.safetensors
    • 5 baked vae diffusers -
    • 4 baked vae - dreamshaper_4BakedVae.safetensors
    • 4-inpainting - dreamshaper_4-inpainting.safetensors
    • 4 baked vae fp16 - dreamshaper_4BakedVaeFp16.safetensors
    • 4 no vae - dreamshaper_4NoVae.safetensors
    • 4 no vae fp16 - dreamshaper_4NoVaeFp16.ckpt
    • 3.32 baked vae (clip fix) - dreamshaper_332BakedVaeClipFix.ckpt
    • 3.31 baked vae - dreamshaper_331BakedVae.ckpt
    • 3.31-inpainting - dreamshaper_331-inpainting.safetensors
    • 3.3 - dreamshaper_33.ckpt
    • 2.52 (safetensors fixed) - dreamshaper_252SafetensorsFixed.ckpt
    • 2.52 (pruned) - dreamshaper_252Pruned.ckpt
    • 2.52 (initial release) - dreamshaper_252InitialRelease.ckpt